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Hello, and welcome to The 3rd Age, a website and community entirely dedicated to modding the BfME series.
Whether you’re entirely new to modding BfME, or have already been modifying a few things around, this site, and the
forum, is the best place to find resources and help.
Use the above form to log in. You can use your Revora nickname and password, or
register there if you haven’t already.
Once you've logged in, you can actively contribute to the site by sharing your knowledge with us, and asking whatever
questions you may have in the forums.
If you need help finding your way around this site, go here.
We hope you will have as much fun modding the BfME series as we’ve had during the past few years.
The 3rd Age Staff
T3A News » 23-12-'13 News: Play Online with Mods!
Posted December 23, 2013. By
Mathijs | View Comments
In light of the T3A:Online server, we have decided to remove the old Mod Tournaments & Games section in favour of a more organized and obvious section dedicated to playing online with mods.
You can find it here: http://forums.revora...line-with-mods/
In there you can find a topic containing a selection of the best and most playable BFME1 mods that we believe are very suited for the online experience.
If you have suggestions as to which mods should be added (LW is already being processed), please let us know and we'll evaluate your suggestion.
Additionally, I have made some changes to our Lord of the Rings discussion section. To increase visibility and encourage activity, I've moved The Green Dragon all the way up our list of subforums (it's nestled beneath T3A News now). I've also created a new subforum inside it named The Prancing Pony, and moved all LotR-related topics and posts in there (including those in Lord of the Rings Discussion, Lord of the Rings Lore, and Lord of the Rings Videogames). That means the Lord of the Rings section is now defunct, and you can find everything that was in it in The Green Dragon.
The3rdAge.net Staff
T3A News » Hosting applications
Posted June 16, 2008. By
ched | View Comments
Hey everyone, Just your everyday public announcement. It would appear I disregarded the existence of a certain mailbox we have that serves to receive hosting requests. It contained no less than 10,000 unread emails (that's ten thousand), most of which were spam rest assured. Thanks to Dark Lord of the Sith, I've now taken back control of the account, and I'm now ready to receive hosting requests via email again! Sorry to all these that used the online form, things should get back to normality now! cheers everyone ched
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"One site to rule them all, one site to find them, one site to host them all, and on the network bind them."
© All Rights Reserved Eric Edwards ©2013.
Website programming by Bart van Heukelom, design by Clément Roy.
BFME, Battle For Middle Earth, and all assumed entities associated with them are © EA Games.