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Creating Your Asset.dat

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME, Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2

Avatar of FlameGuard


Category: Other
Level: Beginner
Created: Friday May 23, 2008 - 5:34
Updated: Saturday September 13, 2008 - 5:18
Views: 11984
Summary: Creating your Asset.dat for the Battle for Middle Earth 1 & 2


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3 votes

Page 1 2 3
Page 2 - BFME2 tutorial
Page 3 - BFME1 tutorial

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Sy's Asset Builder2119May 23, 2008 - 5:40


Display order: Newest first

clank234 - Monday December 20, 2010 - 11:27

@Emperor of the east:
You don't open the assets themself. if you do then you must go on sy's asset builder and click "view asset"

Look in your main bfme directory and you should see asset somewhere (or whatever it's called) then name yours like that one but with .dat at the end.

If you need help then check the forums on T3A's revora forum section ;)

We need more detail then that, it tells me nothing


oh, whoops. I didn't realize that these were from a year ago lol

Emperor of the East - Wednesday March 3, 2010 - 19:29

I followed the steps 100% perfect and the only programs that will open my asset.dat file are one that not only don't open assets but also cost money. Could I get some help please?


I followed the steps 100% perfect and the only programs that will open my asset.dat file are one that not only don't open assets but also cost money. Could I get some help please?

klev - Sunday July 12, 2009 - 21:48

WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is just like it came up when i exported from finalbig but "of course">:( i had only guaragorn.pala and guaragorn.palb i missing like 87% of the models!!!

jakonic - Saturday February 14, 2009 - 17:11

"Now, Its time to save the asset.dat. Click the "Save" button, I suggest you save it to your desktop. Make sure the "File Name:" states "asset.dat" exactly, Capitals in the name can sometimes cause problems."....what's this means...i need to save it with this name:asset.dat,...or something else??please answer i am not good with english,...write me how i need to save it and where to save it (in which directory)??!! please,..i will be thankfull
in advance thx

SoldierND - Sunday January 18, 2009 - 15:58

when u save ur asset, how to u get it into the game? lol im a noob at this and i want to get my art into the game i did everything u said and it worked but what do i do with the asset? XD


when u save ur asset, how to u get it into the game? lol im a noob at this and i want to get my art into the game i did everything u said and it worked but what do i do with the asset? XD


when u save ur asset, how to u get it into the game? lol im a noob at this and i want to get my art into the game i did everything u said and it worked but what do i do with the asset? XD

Ridder Geel (Staff) - Monday June 9, 2008 - 15:53

Why dont you combine your Asset.dat tutorials into one, with 1 main page saying that on page 2 there is about makin it for BFME1 and on page 3 for makin it BFMEII, so then its not 2 seperate posts/articles!

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