The 3rd Age

The Horse Lords

The Horse Lords

A mod intended to enhance The Rise of the Witch King and add a new campaign

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Faction Creator

Avatar of {IP}Gil-Galad


Category: Software
Created: Monday March 26, 2007 - 11:22
Updated: Sunday April 5, 2015 - 15:22
Views: 10653
Summary: Adding a faction with just a few words to make...


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6 votes

What you do is, unzip the file supplied, then read the instructions.
It's a pretty good tool to use.

I've supplied a civilianbuildings.ini file that makes the most painful .ini file work in the 1.03 patch, as Gil-Galad made the tool for the 1.02 patch. It's only two different files, one for 1 new faction, and another one for 2 new factions. What you do when your finished with them, is press Ctrl+H, and search Faction1 and replace all with your new faction, and search Faction2 and replace them all with your other new faction. If your only adding 1 faction, open the other civiliansbuildings.ini and only search for Faction, and replace it with your faction.

The Civiliansbuildings.ini is important, and when you've created a new faction with the tool, you have to replace the civilianbuildings.ini with the one that you want.

After your done with it all, you have to make a base for the faction, which I, or other, will write within a few days... Happy modding!

Links / Downloads

Download Faction Creator4288March 26, 2007 - 11:23


King of UniverseMade the civilianbuildings.ini


Display order: Newest first

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Thursday March 24, 2011 - 15:11

Fixed the link.

DIGI_Byte (Team Chamber Member) - Tuesday March 22, 2011 - 16:00

download does not start.

Also, we really need a BFME2 one...


I checked the Source on the website, the Download link does not work
Download Faction Creator HERE

ched (Team Chamber Member) - Thursday August 23, 2007 - 15:15

fixed with a link to his website

Bart (Administrator) - Thursday August 23, 2007 - 12:00

apparently he deleted the file

Guess Who - Wednesday August 22, 2007 - 22:42

Page cannot be displayed why not? :(

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