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From Book To Game is a Battle For Middle Earth II Modification focused on bringing the lore from J.R.R Tolkien books to the game.
All factions will be enhanced, with new skins, special powers, balancing, a brand new bandit system, monuments, and much more!
Not only does it stop there though, but a brand new Dunedain faction shall be added with never-before seen units and structures and powers!
Also, a whole new campaign shall be added for the celebration of the Hobbit movie with unique units and strructures only to be seen within playing the campaign... Play through the story of Bilbo of the finding of the One Ring and the desolation of Smaug!
Finally, a whole new expansion mod shall be added taking you back to the 1st Age and going through the war of the Silmarils and the evil of Morgoth by introducing 4 brand new factions!

The Lord of the Rings

One RIng to Rule them AllOne Ring to Find themOne Ring to Bring them AllAnd in the Darkness Bind themIn the Land of MordorWhere the Shadows Lye
The Lord of the Rings expansion shall add brand new units, structures, CaH classes and powers, spells, powers and much more...All the vanilla factions shall be enhanced to the best of their ability...So don't miss out on this epic adventure...


The Dunedain is a sub-expansion mod which shall be within the Lord of the Rings mod...It shall add a whole brand new faction along with a new CaH class which shall open the game into a greater experience where many people can enjoy its wonders...

The Hobbit

The Hobbit is also a sub-expansion which shall also be within the Lord of the Rings mod...It shall convert the entire campaign into the adventure of Bilbo Baggins with his finding of the One Ring and his adventuring from the Trollshaws to the Lonely Mountain...All of the new units, hero's and structures shall be exclusive to the campaign and will not be seen within the skirmish...Not only that, but a new Hobbit CaH class shall be added...Note that the other factions shall not be changed!

Quenta Silmarillion

Quenta Silmarillion shall be an expansion of its own, removing all of the original factions, and replacing them with 4 brand new factions from the 1st Age which shall be Angband, Noldor, Naugrim and Edain bringing brand new units, hero's, structures, spells, CaH's, powers and a whole new experience!Check here for

-Unknown/Clank234 = Project Leader and Leader of the Lord of the Rings
-Ridder Geel = Advisor, Consultant and Part-time Modding
FellbeastIII = Head graphics, mapper and Leader of Quenta Silmarillion
{IP}Apollo = Web designer, programmer, head coder and Leader of Dunedain
Fredius = Mapper and Leader of the Hobbit
Bofur01 = Head mapper
MattTheLegoman = Mapper and ideas
Ridder Blauw = Part-time modding and ideas
TheEye/Rastko = Modeller
Gonfidel = Coder, graphics, animator and mapper
Chocolate Star = Coder

-luh-koala = Head Skinner and 2D Artist
-Modboy451 = Skinner, Modeller and Part-time Coder
Rastko = 3D Modeller
{IP}Solstice = Mapper
past5evermark = Mapper
ReallyFat = Coder
Yaroslav = Coder

-Clement = Morgul Orc Model
xxX Mr. Xxxx = Models

The 3rd Age = Hosting
Revora = Hosting

Remember to always check up for updates!

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We have come to it at last, the great release of our mod!

4 years have passed since the last battle was upon them. In those 4 years the Elves secretly prepared for the war that was to come, training their best units, bolstering their defenses and calling upon the Valar to withstand the incoming onslaught. Now, as the drums of war sound in the distance, the Elves must bolster their resolve once again, for they must not let for they must not let the enemy break through, they must defend... The Last Haven, or all shall be lost.

After 4 years of absence, the Ridder Clan Mod team (which has since the last release been reduced to two actual team members, hence the lack of updates and all that) proudly presents The Last Haven, a mod which will expand Battle for Middle Earth 2 unlike any other mods before it. This release will specifically concentrate on the Elven faction whilst keeping most of the things the official game added.

Mod Highlights :

- The High-Elves have risen to defend Middle Earth!
The Elven faction has been completely overhauled, featuring new units, new building, new heroes and even a new Fortress , you'll have to see it for yourself.

- What shall we choose?
The Last Haven introduces a new system, called the Vote System which at the beginning of any battle allows you to choose between your gameplay style, the starting resources or the unit and building production rate. Do note that once you've chosen and committed your options you cannot change them.

- History repeats itself : Battle For Middle Earth Mode
As part of that voting system there is an option which allows you to choose between Battle For Middle Earth I or II play style. Choosing Battle For Middle Earth I allows you to play it exactly as in the original Battle For Middle Earth game.

- Rise against the enemy with your own Hero!

With the new and improved Create-A-Character System you can create your own Elven hero. Use your imagination to create not only a Hero for the Elves or Men, but a Champion for the Free Peoples of Middle Earth.

Elven faction rooster:


-Do I need a previous release to update this release?
*No, this release contains an updater which updates the mod without needing to patch the mod manually.

-Do I install the mod over the original BFME2 files?
*The game launches as a separate expansion, similar to how ROTWK launches so you can install the mod anywhere you want. (But really, please don't install it in the same folder as either game... or anywhere else that has important data. Because that data gets deleted upon the start of the setup.)

-My game crashes on startup?
*Make sure you have deleted the old Create-a-Hero data from in your rc mod files in your application data (%appdata%). They are located in the save folder.

-Where is the voting system?
*The voting system is currently only implemented on the maps with (VS) in front of them, we are working on also putting it into the rest of the maps.

-This mod contains elements/units/powers from the Hobbit movies?
*In the current release there is no content from The Hobbit movies, but we plan on doing that in the future.

-Does this release contain changes to the original factions?
*No this mod does not change the vanilla factions yet. We will, however, do that in the future.

-Does this mod run on BFME2?

-What factions will this release contain?
*The release contains High-Elves, Gondor, Mordor, Isengard.

-What races and classes will you have for the new CaC?
*Female Human and High-Elf Warrior as races. The classes depends on the races.

-Are the factions in this mod balanced?
*We have not fully balanced the factions in the mod. We will in upcoming updates.

We urge you to follow us on our Facebook page for more social events made specially for fans!

Known Installation issues:
*Please make sure your launcher is CLOSED when updating, otherwise this can prevent it from being updated!!!
*If the launcher did not update to a version with a button on it, download it from ' Mod Launcher.exe?dl=0 ' and copy it to where the launcher is.
*You may need to copy Game2.dat from your BFME 2 installation place to the game folder in the RC Mod installation directory! (if you download the patch/mod after this is posted it should not be a problem)
*If you wish to run the singleplayer (without needing to mount the RC Mod cd, or use the RotWK cd) please download the singleplayer files from here: ' -' These can be put into the game folder in the installation directory, and run manually to play singleplayer.

Known issues:
*Elrohir,Elladan,Cirdan,Galdor were removed due to some bugs
*No Lore-master powers

*Some High-Fortress upgrades do nothing
*High-Elven Heroes kept their original portraits
*BFME1 mode does not contain camps

Expect these bugs to be resolved in the following days/weeks. We advise not saving games during this period otherwise they might not work afterwards.

As this our release for almost 4 years and many things have changed so we encourage people to re-rate our mod after they tried it!

There are still many things to do so we appreciate any feedback from you guys! Here, on Revora, or even personal PM, we are looking forward to making this mod even better.

Happy Playing!

P.S: Today (the 24th) is also Valaquenta10’s birthday!
-The Ridder Clan Mod Team (Ridder Geel & Valaquenta10)

Back From The Dead.

Back From The Dead.

News 6 comments

So after ... a fairly long hiatus, Westernesse is back with both the good and evil structure model basics finished!

In The End

In The End

News 1 comment

An announcement, for all beginnings have their endings.

BETA 0.1

BETA 0.1


BETA 0.1 is just around the corner :) Read more for extra information ;)

18/08/2012 Update

18/08/2012 Update


New maps from Bofur01, a new revamped website and new concepts from FellbeastIII.

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From Book to Game - Teaser

From Book to Game - Teaser

Demo 20 comments

We here at From Book to Game are happy to announce the very first download of From Book to Game.

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NumenoreanTalion - - 1,332 comments

What! Dead? I played it in 2020 and liked it. :_(

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Guest - - 720,188 comments

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SauronLordofTheEarth - - 881 comments

Is it dead

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reyangelo25 - - 20 comments

How Can I Lunch This mod? Pls Help

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TheArkhamBatman - - 233 comments

I am sad too see the mod dead, but look forward to seeing your new projects!

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alejandrospinamendez - - 106 comments

I want to know wich step of development is this mod right now, and if you are thinking to abandon it please dont do it, I offer you my help to keep it going, there are very few mods about quenta silmarillion, and you can make something really BIG for the bfme community :)

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luiscarlosapeu - - 218 comments

I think the trend is the union of all interested in forming a respectful MOD.

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IreneHawnetyne - - 270 comments

There's a reason why there are so few mods in that range: they're just too big. I mean, we've already abandoned it for separate projects because, whilst on the face of it you might say 'oh, how hard can it be?', it is really quite difficult to sustain motivation, more than anything. Making mods is one of the most time-consuming hobbies you can have, and keeping it up alongside employment and education is nigh on impossible. I'll be honest, I have been struggling with this combination for a while, plus intense social and emotional problems. I couldn't start again if I wanted, and keeping Westernesse going is a hell of a strain on my time. So, doing something really big isn't a priority at the moment or near future.

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Guest - - 720,188 comments

Then you shouldn't have gotten people's hopes up unless you were doing it for attention purposes then that makes you the guilty party!

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CadianK36 - - 709 comments


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