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Modpacks » ROTWK Mini Mod v1.2

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ROTWK Mini Mod v1.2

Author File Description
Agandaur 2404
File Details
ROTWK Modification: Yes
Code Modification: Yes
Hi, it's me again with yet another version of my ROTWK mod. Yeah, I know it's getting boring, but each time I play my mod or go through the ini files, I find something to update or improve. This one is based on my previous 1.1 version and contains even more experiments, such as:

-Forged Blades and Heavy Armor upgrades unlocked for Mordor Orc Fighters (they have it set up in the game, I just had to change their commandset)

-New Inn unit for Goblins - Rhudaur Spearmen. I've always found Corsairs unfitting for them lore - wise; gameplay - wise their role was sort of taken by the Hobgoblins in my 1.1 mod, but Goblins still needed some early - game spear unit, so here it is.

-Some changes in WOTR mode, like new scenarios and changed old ones; you really have to see by yourselves.

Well, that's it for now. I hope I somehow contributed to making this game more fun. Thank you all for downloading my mods and maps, it means a lot to me. I hope you'll like this one as well.

Agandaur 2404

(update 04.07.2020 - unlocked various random textures for Spiderlings and Goblin Spider Riders and other units)
AuthorComments & Reviews   ( All | Comments Only | Reviews Only )
lord aic Dear creator

I am a member of War of Valar mod, who has ambition became second Epic mod for rotwk. As i see you love experiments and know your work well, may be you will join to us? together we can make better one.
War of Valar mod will become anormously popullar then beta will out, i am sure about that as know how abicious is project and how tallented modders are working on it.
You have a great chance to show your tallent to much more people, as it is possible now.
If interested, let me only know about it. we are only welcome people with such tallent, also, i can show good discord group to learn to do more cool things for your mod.
With respect
Agandaur 2404
File Author
Hi lord aic, sorry for late reply, I've been busy with other things recently. I don't know if your offer still stands, but I'm willing to help as much as I can. I could do some coding and mapping, but I'm afraid I'm not a very advanced modder. Anyway, this would've been a great chance for me, so obviously I'm interested. Please, contact me and tell me more about your mod, I'm really curious about it.

HGDL v0.8.2

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