The 3rd Age

Age Of Men

Age Of Men

Age of Men will be some like an unofficial expansion set for BFME2:ROTWK

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Hello, and welcome to The 3rd Age, a website and community entirely dedicated to modding the BfME series.
Whether you’re entirely new to modding BfME, or have already been modifying a few things around, this site, and the forum, is the best place to find resources and help.
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We hope you will have as much fun modding the BfME series as we’ve had during the past few years.

The 3rd Age Staff

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T3A News » T3A Modding Official Discord Server

Posted September 7, 2020. By Dúnedain76 | View Comments

Greetings Modders!


We've just opened up a new Discord server dedicated to T3A modding! So far the channels have been set up similarly to how they are here on the forums. We've included subchannels dedicated to the hosted mods on Revora as well as links to where the mods can be downloaded. There is also the option to give yourself dedicated roles to what expertise you might have.

You can access the server by following the link here:


Hope to see you there!

T3A News » BFME 2 / ROTWK Code Reference

Posted April 25, 2019. By Ridder Geel | View Comments

Good day Modders!


Today I present a useful tool for those writing code for BFME 2 / ROTWK.

I have created a wiki which contains all kinds of information on the different modules for use in the Object class in BFME. This should help people out with figuring out if what they want to do is even possible in the SAGE engine.

Read more about it in this topic:



The plan is to expand the wiki to contain information on more subjects than the object modules, but this all depends on what areas people would like to get more information on.

I hope this code reference will be of use to many coders!

» BFME1 Patch 1.06 in Traditional Chinese -

Posted July 14, 2017. By | View Comments


Lone Wolf Updates » Return of Shadow 9th faction revealed

Posted March 10, 2015. By Radspakr Wolfbane | View Comments


Battle of the 9 Armies


Wait that's not right...
Well you get the idea.
The 9th faction will be Erebor, faction of the shaving adversed.

Erebor has been the faction I've wanted to release most but at the same time it has always been the faction with the largest workload.
Finally Erebor has started progressing enough to be released in the nearish future.


Erebor are a powerhouse infantry faction fielding a large number of strong infantry units for both attack and defence.
Familiar faces will make up the hero list like Gimli, Gloin, Dwalin and King Dain Ironfoot.
Via the spell store other dwarf heroes will also be making an appearance such as Thorin Oakenshield and his ill fated companions.

Breaking with tradition Erebor won't be coming alone they'll be released at the same time as the Strongholds.







Lone Wolf Updates » Return of Shadow Beta 0.2 released

Posted February 5, 2015. By Radspakr Wolfbane | View Comments


Return of Shadow Beta 0.2

Download Link


Rivendell is now finally available for play without having to use a game mode code.
The mod now has 7 factions available.
Rivendell plays differently from the other factions it uses a good variety of strong units culminating in some powerful elite units with exclusive upgrades.
As well as the support unit the Lightbearer that can be upgraded to use either Healing, Defensive of Offensive spells.



Beta 0.2 is the first full version release since Beta 0.15 and has a new file structure and updated launcher.
The file size has been reduced as well by trimming as much fat as possible bringing the current size down to 2.5gb from somewhere around 4gb.

A new optional addon is coming soon that will change the look of the game slightly to give a more cinematic look.
The UI has an updated look to match the Return of Shadow theme, even the launcher has been tweaked to match it.

Check out roschangelist.txt for a full list of changes.
Beta 0.2 also includes a small hotfix 0.21 that fixes a few issues I noticed while I was slowly uploading the Beta (it took me about a week to do so).

An installer and old version uninstaller is planned to be released later today.

You can also read the updated manual from the download section.






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