The 3rd Age

Power Of The Ring 3 : Campaigns Of Middle Earth

Power Of The Ring 3 :  Campaigns Of Middle Earth

Contains BFME1 Campaigns : Based on Power Of The Ring

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Select which kinds of available tutorials you want to browse, or simply browse the full list.

By Difficulty Level

Beginner (122 tutorials)

New to modding? Start here!
On this level advanced modders can also find easy, but useful tips.

Intermediate (94 tutorials)

Everything for the advanced modders who have passed the basics.

Expert (19 tutorials)

Do you feel like you're up for a challenge? Do you want your mod to stand out from the crowd?
Check our expert level articles

By Category

Code (132 tutorials)

The INI files in BFME are where everything comes together, and with XML/LUA you can do some advanced things not possible with INI alone. This category containts articles related to both.

Graphics (53 tutorials)

Are you bored with the look of units and other objects in the game, or want to make your own? If you're looking for help on 2D Art, Skinning, Modeling or Animating, the Graphics category is your choice.

Other (27 tutorials)

General articles, ranging from an introduction to modding, to a list of known game.dat errors. This category has the good stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.

Worldbuilder (31 tutorials)

EA's worldbuilder is a great tool, but has a steep learning curve. If you want to create maps, or edit some scripts (used by the AI, for example), this is where you will want to look.

By Game

Battle for Middle-earth (82 tutorials)

EA's Middle-earth based RTS game that started it all

Battle for Middle-earth II (93 tutorials)

The sequel to BFME, allowing the player to take control of the armies in the north.

Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king (86 tutorials)

BFME 2's expansion, introducing the ancient army of the Witch-king's realm of Angmar

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