The 3rd Age

Gladiator Heroes

Gladiator Heroes

6 heroes are remade with powerful new spells

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By Category

Maps (87 downloads)

The talented mappers at The 3rd Age will upload their latest creations in this category.

Other (8 downloads)

All the good stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.

Patches (14 downloads)

This category contains the official patches that were released for the games featured on this website

Replays (6 downloads)

Replays of BFME games played online

Resources (58 downloads)

Download models, textures, music and other resources from this category.

Software (36 downloads)

In this category you will find tools and other programs to help you with modding.

By Game

Battle for Middle-earth (77 downloads)

EA's Middle-earth based RTS game that started it all

Battle for Middle-earth II (75 downloads)

The sequel to BFME, allowing the player to take control of the armies in the north.

Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king (86 downloads)

BFME 2's expansion, introducing the ancient army of the Witch-king's realm of Angmar

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