The 3rd Age

Age Of Men

Age Of Men

Age of Men will be some like an unofficial expansion set for BFME2:ROTWK

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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Creating a Dwarven Hero from CAH

Avatar of robnkarla


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Saturday April 7, 2007 - 21:47
Updated: Saturday June 27, 2009 - 18:34
Views: 15021
Summary: Create your own hero off of the Dwarven Sage Create-A-Hero


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Welcome to my first of many tutorials to come. For those of you familiar with ini files, you will probably just be able to take the files and run with them. If you are not as familiar, I've tried to walk you throught using the files.

The purpose of this tutorial is to provide the tools and instructions necessary to create your own hero based on the Dwarven Sage Create-A-Hero provided by EA. The files for the heroes are spread out through a number of files, so I've combined them to create a single object file per type to be used as a template in creating custom heroes. I'll be added "Hero Packs" for each faction. All I ask is that you reference me (robnkarla) somewhere in your documentation and send me an e-mail with a link to your mod so I can see what you have done with the base files.

I've not seen these type of files/tutorials and I've created most of these while working on my mod - RJ-RotWK.

The first file I've uploaded is the Dwarven Sage file that you'll find at the bottom of the page. I've included 9 files in the rar file to be used:

BackgroundButton.psd - Photoshop file for creating hero selection buttons.
BlankCharacter.psd - Photoshop file for creating hero portraits.
commandset.ini - Basic commandset for the hero
Dwarven[HeroName].ini - Object file for the CAH
experiencelevels.ini - Experience level entries
gamedata.ini - Experience level entries
lotr.str - String entries
upgrade.ini - Upgrade entries
weapon.ini - Weapon entries

Table of Contents:
Page 1 - Intro
Page 2 - INI files
Page 3 - Special Powers - Axe Throw
Page 4 - Special Powers - Leap
Page 5 - Special Powers - Earthshaker
Page 6 - Bling Bling
Page 7 - Portraits and Textures

Next Page...Ini Files

Links / Downloads

RJ-RotWK2274April 8, 2007 - 2:03
Sage .rar file to use2942April 7, 2007 - 21:48


Display order: Newest first | Page: 1, 2

Anthem - Saturday October 3, 2009 - 13:18

Well Ingwe, you'll have to do a few things to make that work. Frist you need to set the Weaponsets like this:

        Conditions = None
        Weapon = PRIMARY [Your melee weapon]
        Conditions = WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1        
        Weapon = PRIMARY [Your bow]

And then you have to add this:

    Behavior = DoCommandUpgrade ModuleTag_CreateAHeroMakeSureArcherUsesBowInitially
        TriggeredBy                        = Upgrade_ObjectLevel1
        GetUpgradeCommandButtonName        = Command_CreateAHero_A_ToggleWeapon
        RemoveUpgradeCommandButtonName    = Command_CreateAHero_A_ToggleWeapon

And then make sure that that the hero gets the upgrade "Upgrade_ObjectLevel1" at level 1. If you want to put the weapon toggle at later levels I don't know what to do at the moment, but if you really want to I'll check it out.

Grey Beard - Wednesday January 21, 2009 - 13:05

can someone not mkae somthing like this for bfme1

Ingwe - Sunday March 2, 2008 - 2:44

Oh ok. Thanks. We figured some of the stuff out as well since then, at the time we were quite stumped. We (chrisbolling2 and me) spent five hours on figuring it out. ROFL. A lot of bling had to be eliminated LoL. Got the sword to turn to a normal bow too. But as far as using switch command set from bow to sword, haven't tried it quite yet.

Ridder Geel (Staff) - Sunday February 10, 2008 - 3:43

you have to use the code for the bling hiding:
HideSubObjects    =
instead of doing:
Showsubobjects =

I figured that out myself when i was fooling around with the wizard CAH.

If you have noticed there is the 'shining' thing around your hero,
thats because its a dwarf:
you need to remove this part of the coding above the design parameters:


    ;Draw module just for the HeroSelection
    Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw Icon
        ModelConditionState = NONE
            Model                    = Icon02

about your person shooting with a sword you should look in the
at these 2 weapon things:
Belthronding    Weapon upgrade.
MithlondBow Bow Weapon upgrade.

Im not sure how the toggle weapon thing for the archer CAH works so i can't help alot there...

Oh, and BTW, robnkarla the tutorial is great except for the points i adressed up there.
But without your tutorial i wouldn't have the fun heroes I made, so thanks for the great tutorial!

chrisbolling2 - Friday January 11, 2008 - 15:19

Having the same problem as Ingwe, started a topic in the forums. Tutorial seems a little incomplete to me.

Ingwe - Friday December 14, 2007 - 2:05

I applied this method with an Elven Archer custom hero. All the sounds are right. She has the same powers as Elrond does just because I didn't feel like messing with all that yet. She has a cool upgraded arrow that looks like a Silverthorne arrow (added my own weapon in weapon.ini). And (most) everything works great! Great tutorial. However, there are two problems when I applied this. For one thing, she shoots arrows...with a sword. For another thing, she has tons of bling. She has some kind of tan cape and a shield on the back along with a red hood. I want just a plain hero. I didn't add any bling to the file or anything but the bling is still there! I've searched for things to help on this problem but don't find anything on it. I usually don't like to put up posts asking for help because I like to figure this out myself; alas, I can't for the life of me figure it out. Help. :o


I applied this method with an Elven Archer custom hero. All the sounds are right. She has the same powers as Elrond does just because I didn't feel like messing with all that yet. She has a cool upgraded arrow that looks like a Silverthorne arrow (added my own weapon in weapon.ini). And (most) everything works great! Great tutorial. However, there are two problems when I applied this. For one thing, she shoots arrows...with a sword. For another thing, she has tons of bling. She has some kind of tan cape and a shield on the back along with a red hood. I want just a plain hero. I didn't add any bling to the file or anything but the bling is still there! I've searched for things to help on this problem but don't find anything on it. I usually don't like to put up posts asking for help because I like to figure this out myself; alas, I can't for the life of me figure it out. Help. :o


I applied this method with an Elven Archer custom hero. All the sounds are right. She has the same powers as Elrond does just because I didn't feel like messing with all that yet. She has a cool upgraded arrow that looks like a Silverthorne arrow (added my own weapon in weapon.ini). And (most) everything works great! Great tutorial. However, there are two problems when I applied this. For one thing, she shoots arrows...with a sword. For another thing, she has tons of bling. She has some kind of tan cape and a shield on the back along with a red hood. I want just a plain hero. I didn't add any bling to the file or anything but the bling is still there! I've searched for things to help on this problem but don't find anything on it. I usually don't like to put up posts asking for help because I like to figure this out myself; alas, I can't for the life of me figure it out. Help. :o

Bart (Administrator) - Monday June 25, 2007 - 7:34

check out data\ini\mappedimages\

{IP}Sauron - Monday June 25, 2007 - 4:44

@aragon94: the reason why some commandbuttons is on the same pic is becuz there's a ini file which cut out small reas of the image and name it :P

aragon94 - Monday June 4, 2007 - 4:27

Ok, I found the portraits... But they are with the CommandButton images in the same pic!! Does anyone know how to make the portrait then??

aragon94 - Monday June 4, 2007 - 4:24

By the way, where is the art folder where you put the portrait into? I only find apt, not art.

I always wondered where the CommandButton images and the hero portraits are...

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