The 3rd Age

Master Hero Mod 2.1.9

Master Hero Mod 2.1.9

Enhances Visuals, provide series of modifications and additions to the game play,Support Multiplayer

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Helms Deep

Download for Battle for Middle-earth BFME

Avatar of m@tt


Category: Maps
Created: Saturday March 31, 2007 - 10:04
Updated: Saturday January 7, 2012 - 22:37
Views: 39122
Summary: Helms Deep 3 Player Skirmish Map


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13 votes

Converted campaign map, map edited to make room for two camps. One player controls Helms Deep, and that player must be Rohan!

Its a skirmish only map, i.e. no scripting. A few Economy Plots around. Comes with both a Minimap plus a loading image.

To Install:
1. Download the file
2. Go to My Computer
i. Go to Tools >> Folder Options
ii. Go to the middle tab
iii. Uncheck 'Hide Hidden Files and Folders'
3. Go to My Computer >> C: Drive (or whatever you installed BFME on) >> Documents and Settings >> You >> Application Data >> My Battle for Middle-earth Files >> Maps
4. Extract the files to the Maps folder.
5. To make adding maps in future easier, either create a shortcut to the BFME Folder, or right click the App Data folder and uncheck hide. You can then recheck Hide in the Folder Options back in part 2.
6. Play the map

Links / Downloads

Helms Deep13767March 31, 2007 - 10:04


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soccerguy8 - Saturday September 6, 2008 - 23:41

whenever i download this map, it says i have to fix teams and all that junk. if i hold esc it asys i gotta fix all of these teams for like 10 seconds. That's with HOLDING esc. If i play the map my stupid front gate is missing. anyone wanna help me?

Bart (Administrator) - Saturday July 28, 2007 - 15:50

The AI wasn't made for special occasions such as Helms Deep. It might do something occasionaly, but it'll never be a challenge. You have to play these maps online.

sharpster25 - Saturday July 28, 2007 - 13:50

why dosent the defending AI do anything when i play as isengard attacking? And dose anyone else have this problem?

sharpster25 - Friday July 27, 2007 - 8:27

dont worry i got it working and its a really good map

Bart (Administrator) - Thursday July 26, 2007 - 3:20

Did you switch to "Custom maps" in the skirmish menu?

sharpster25 - Wednesday July 25, 2007 - 8:10

I've done everything i need to to to play it but it dosent appere on the map list when i play a skirmish

Guess Who - Saturday June 16, 2007 - 19:19

Oh dont worry about replying i got it to work.

Guess Who - Saturday June 16, 2007 - 8:28

how do i install these maps

witch king - Friday June 1, 2007 - 20:10

it is good

FlameGuard - Monday April 16, 2007 - 15:15

Thanks, Been needing a helms deep map to test some stuff on.

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