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![]() The mod plans to release add a new faction for Arnor that includes the Arnorian kingdoms and their allies. Their functions will be flexible, rather than focusing on infantry or stealth, they have a little bit of everything, but do not concentrate on anything... For example, right at the start you may want to scout out the map, or harass the enemy's economy with your hobbits and hillmen. Then you can send in archers and swordsmen of Arthedain with Cardolani pikemen and light cavalry for support. When you have enough money you can ambush your foes with your dunedain rangers and assault the enemy base with your dunedain soldiers with dwarves and elves for support. There is also a new CaH class planned for Rangers, with subclasses for Dunedain Rangers, Ithilien Rangers, and Woodsmen... Dunedain Rangers will be very good at stealth while Ithilien Rangers are very versatile... Finally, the Woodsmen could be anything from a great light infantry unit, to a late-game hero with attributes alike to that of elves. War of the Ring is also going to have some new features, I can't promise anything, but I plan to make nearby ports adjacent to each other. (eg. Forochel to Mithlond, Mithlond to Minhiriath etc... (port abilities will be decided by the port's status in the LotR Risk Game) New territories will hopefully be added like a Khand, Forochel, and Udun... There may also be some additional Arnor territories like Bree, or Old Forest. Finally some territories will be replaced, such as Redhorn Pass with Moria, and Gundabad and Carn Dum maps will be updated... Currently I am short on help, one of my best modders is taking a break and most of the others are still learning. I am in desperate need of modellers and mappers, while skinners and scripters would also be desired... If you are interested, contact me either by pm, or msn, or if you want you can volunteer on the forum... Contact Me Tech Trees will be uploaded to my website soon, check my website for updates and information about the mod... GEM Website Also check my forums, they have a tendency to be more up-to-date than my website! GEM Forums Links / Downloads
CommentsDisplay order: Newest first Gil-garador - Monday July 19, 2010 - 2:00 i hvae problem playing this game. do u have a ini.big file to use insted???? ILUTAVAR - Friday February 8, 2008 - 11:05 Arnor... a god idea will be add Eldarion king of Arered a lost kingdom of Arnor ally with elves and dwarves, also add the map m@tt (Team Chamber Member) - Monday November 26, 2007 - 2:42 Post on the forums. You have probably made a mistake during installation. elendilofgondor - Sunday November 25, 2007 - 13:47 i have a problem. all this does for my game is gives 1 new power for create a hero and turns the menu pink with a diffrent picture.this mod has no effect of factions nor does this add a new create a hero class pluss there are no new factions please help.i would like to play it because you made cool changes and the change list is long with many new units persons - Friday November 23, 2007 - 9:16 Hi |
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