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Register and log in to move these advertisements down Executing scripts for only some players in a mapTutorial for BFME, BFME 2, ROTWK
These scripts can be used to do certain things, like playing sounds and showing texts only for one or more specific players in a multiplayer map. This is useful for those cinematic maps like Helms Deep (where you can, for example, make Theoden have a speech for Rohan players, but not for Isengard). 1. For each player you want to execute the events for, put down a RohanBaseDefenseFoundation (or another object which does nothing, but can be owned) outside of the map boundaries and give it a name (I will call it "PLAYER_ID_1"). Make sure it is owned by that player. 2. For each player, make a script folder, e.g. 'player 1 events'. Make this folder unactive 3. This script will activate the events for that player:
Of course you need one of these for every player with events. 4. Then you can put event scripts in the folder like:
This will not cause out-of-sync errors. However, spawning units or something in these scripts probably will. Note: Unlike what some people in the forum thought, this is not a solution to other out-of-sync errors CommentsDisplay order: Newest first Briggsby - Thursday May 31, 2007 - 6:48 Whoah now THAT is useful, thanks! m@tt (Team Chamber Member) - Thursday April 5, 2007 - 9:59 I never knew about that local player script, I was looking for that to go with my ai fortress maps ched (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday April 4, 2007 - 10:03 I would love to see a more general scripting tutorial pop up, but hints are good :) |
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