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How to add Gollum to BFME II Maps

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of m@tt


Category: Worldbuilder
Level: Beginner
Created: Thursday April 5, 2007 - 8:39
Updated: Saturday June 27, 2009 - 19:29
Views: 9233
Summary: How to add Gollum to BFME II Maps and probably ROTWK too.


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3 votes

Step 1: Download Scripts

Now let's download and import the script. Download the script file in the downloads bit below (you will need to unzip it before you can import).

Step 2: Import Scripts

Open Worldbuilder and then your map.

To continue, you need to make sure you've got PlyrCreeps in your Player List. It should look something like this: Clicky

Now let's download and import the script. Download the script file in the references bit below (you will need to unzip it before you can import).

First, you must open the scripts window. Do that by clicking on this button.

User image

Now click the PlyrCreeps folder (because that's where the imported script needs to go), then click the Import Scripts button.

Click here to see how

It will then prompt you to find the scripts file. Find the file you downloaded and unzipped, it is called

Double-click on it. If you get a popup complaining about the size of the map, just click OK, as it will not hurt your map. Now you will see it has imported the script, and there's a new folder called [ns A]SkirmishGollum_Spawn under your PlyrCreeps folder. If you hosed up and imported it into the wrong folder, just click on it and drag it to your PlyrCreeps folder.

Now click the OK button to save your changes to the map's scripts.

Step 3: Place Spawn Waypoints

Now you need to place some waypoints where you want Gollum to spawn. You can place these anywhere you want on the map, but you shouldn't place them too close to any players' starting position. Click the Waypoints tool:

User image

Now click on the map where you want to place a spawn point. You will now see a Waypoint Options window, and you need to rename your waypoint here. Type in SpawnPoint_SkirmishGollum_1 in the first field, as shown here. You should now see the waypoint with its proper name on the map. Repeat this step until you have placed 8 spawn points, each ending in the proper number (SpawnPoint_SkirmishGollum_1, SpawnPoint_SkirmishGollum_2, SpawnPoint_SkirmishGollum_3, etc).

That's it!

You do not have to use exactly 8 spawn points. If you want to use more/less spawn points, just go into the scripts window and add/remove any references to spawn points you will/won't be creating.

Links / Downloads

Gollum Scripts1930April 5, 2007 - 8:45


RoharaThe Writer
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Harrylotr - Tuesday December 21, 2010 - 8:43

when i tried importing the script nothing happens...Can you please help me???

make - Sunday July 13, 2008 - 21:47

hmm i have all rigth and i go add gollum spwan point i dont see it on my waypoint tool


hmm i have all rigth and i go add gollum spwan point i dont see it on my waypoint tool

galentv - Tuesday May 13, 2008 - 5:49

It works for the rise of the witch king. (YES!)

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