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Creating a Lightsaber

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of Kwen


Category: Graphics
Level: Intermediate
Created: Wednesday May 23, 2007 - 15:45
Updated: Thursday May 24, 2007 - 2:01
Views: 6635
Summary: How to effectively create a lightsaber


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7 votes

Welcome to my tutorial. This is a fast and easy way to create vibrant looking lightsabers for your various bfme/bfme2 use.

Before you do anything you must download the Lightsaber package from the downloads section. Or you can get it at the bottom of this page.

1: The first thing to the lightsaber tutorialis to of course build the model you will be placing the lightsaber onto.

2: Then make a Plane Object.

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3: Now texture the Plane Object with any of the four color lightsaber, whichever suits your Jedi/Sith I'll use red for Darth Maul.

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4: In the Shader tab, put the setting to add, this allows the black part to be transparent ingame. *Very important if you dont want black squares flying around ingame ;)*

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5: Now in the geometry options tab, check off the 2 side box. this allows you to see both sides of the plane, you can only normally see one.

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6: Now, you must clone the obect, go to edit, then select clone.

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7: Now in another screen *one with the wireframe mesh* rotate the cloned plane so it makes a cross shape. *looks alot like forged blades*

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8: Now iI reccomend you attach the two planes together, but it is not required. Select the Original plane and right click on it. hit the attach button, then select the other plane. They should attach together.

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9: Now all you have to do is put these planes where you want the weapon to go on the model.

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10: *Unlike forged blades* Bind the planes to the swordbone.

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11: Export it and viola! your spiffy new lightsaber!

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Links / Downloads

Lightsaber textures to be used1660May 23, 2007 - 15:48


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ILUTAVAR - Thursday January 3, 2008 - 9:41

damm can i download the darth maul i tried a lot of times easy tutorial ;D i´m a n00 b and i understend o.o

Puppeteer - Wednesday September 5, 2007 - 12:30

woah after I learn modelling I'm gonna do that :)

witchking - Thursday July 19, 2007 - 10:40

gosh are you sure you can use that for bfm2? man i'd love the witchking haveing that

aragon94 - Monday June 4, 2007 - 3:33

Great!! Thx!!

Oh, and that red square around the lightsaber can be saw ingame?

{IP}Sauron - Monday May 28, 2007 - 10:37

wow awesome

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