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Converting Create A Hero powers to normal powers

Avatar of Solinx


Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Saturday March 24, 2007 - 20:38
Updated: Saturday June 27, 2009 - 18:57
Views: 9794
Summary: A step by step guide to turn a CaH power into a normal power, useable by normal units.


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6 votes

Page 1 2 3 4 5 6

Allright you want to be able to use a Create a Hero power as a normal hero power.

I'll use Arwen as an example:

Arwen only has special powers at level 2 and level 10, I think she deserves a little more.
Not much, it has to stay the cheap hero, so I'll only include Summon Familiar Lvl 3 at level 5. This power is from the Archer CAH class.

Important notes

This guide was written with files of BFME II v1.03. Even so, this guide should be just as useable for later versions, including the expansion.

However, if you encounter any problems, please post them in the main BFME 2 / RotWK discussion forum and send me a pm (private message).

Do note that this guide is only about a basic ability. There are many abilities that function just a bit differently than this one. Most important exceptions being healing abilities and stealth abilities (including the disguise ability, as Cahik noted here.)

Table of Contents

Page 1
Table of Contents

Page 2

Page 3
The First Step

Page 4

Page 5

Page 6

Next page: Requirements


Display order: Newest first

clank234 - Saturday November 27, 2010 - 16:38

it works perfectly, thx Solinx :);) i gave 5/5

sceluk - Saturday November 22, 2008 - 3:34

very good tutorial
I was wondering if you could pls post another one about converting SCIENCE powers to normal powers because i'ver been trying to add Sunflare and it's been giving me a lot of trouble.

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