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Accessing UVW Maps

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

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Category: Graphics
Level: Beginner
Created: Wednesday August 1, 2007 - 0:27
Updated: Wednesday June 18, 2008 - 10:15
Views: 5813
Summary: How to UVW Unwrap in RenX


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10 votes

This tutorial will show you basically how to UVW Unwrap, and then how to use this to add a skin to a model. I will be using RenX. If you want to edit the skins you will need a suitable drawing application. Also if you want models or skins from the game you must extract them using FinalBIG.

1) Open up RenX and open the model you want to unwrap and skin. I will be using an Orc Warrior.

2) Hide all bones and bounding boxes, forged blades etc. until you are just left with the basic model.

3) Now select the model and go on to modify, a tab that looks like a quarter circle, then on the Modifier List select UVW Unwrap.

4) Slightly under where you the Modifier List is the Parameters section. Once there click Edit.

5) It will then come up with another window, Edit UVWs. If you are making your own skin you must Print Screen this and paste it onto your drawing application. If you are doing this the skin file must be saved as a .TGA when done.

6) Now that you have your skin file, exit the Edit UVWs window and then select the model and press M. Now on the window that pops up press the Assign Material to Selection, which looks like a cube, an arrow and a sphere. After this click on the Pass 1 tab, at the top of the window.

7) Once on there, go down and click on the Textures tab. Tick the box that says Stage 0 Texture.

8) Click the box with None on it and then browse for your skin (remeber it must be in .TGA). Once this is done press display, and the Assign Material to Selection button and then your skin should appear on the model.

Thats all for this tutorial.

Links / Downloads

RenX and FinalBIG1707August 1, 2007 - 1:09


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Guess Who - Tuesday November 20, 2007 - 3:02

Well to tell the differences between parts, just colour each main part that you see in a different colour, then you can see which parts are which :).

Lord of the Rings Junkie - Monday November 19, 2007 - 23:23

I beg to differ. Unwrapping is the act of actually doing stuff like marking seams and generating texture coordinates, but it doesn't matter. Perhaps the tutorial should be renamed 'Accessing UVW Maps'? Whatever, nobody else seems to care. *shrug*

Guess Who - Monday November 12, 2007 - 19:59

That's unwrapping ^_^, you just take a screenshot of the uvw unwrap, and paste it and cut off edges and paint it in however way you like.

Lord of the Rings Junkie - Monday November 5, 2007 - 17:25

Good, but a bit misleading because it does NOT tell you how to unwrap a model, merely how to access existing texture coordinates so you can paint stuff.

Guess Who - Tuesday August 28, 2007 - 2:45

very helpful tutorial now i can understand Nertea's tutorial easier ^_^ 5/5

Bart (Administrator) - Wednesday August 1, 2007 - 13:28

upload the image in your filespace here, then add into your article:
[ img ]url to image[ /img ] (without spaces)

JaYk - Wednesday August 1, 2007 - 12:18

Thanks for the advice 2playgames. One problem though, as I am new to T3A I am not sure how to add photos onto articles, I can only create links to uploaded files.

Bart (Administrator) - Wednesday August 1, 2007 - 9:12

Pictures would be nice in this tutorial :-)
Also, I hope you'll expand it later, adding information about actually UV mapping new or edited models.

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