![]() Lone Wolf Age of Numenor is a large scale mod that sets Lone Wolf during the time of Realms in Exile |
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Register and log in to move these advertisements down Great WarMod for
For all factions Modified the most part of game textures( for example soldier of Gondor and Faramir) Modified the animation of powers and Abilities Campaign 1) "War of the Ring". Union campaigns from BFME 1 and BFME 2 with new missions and all new features, heroes, powers and many others For Good and Evil 2) In process: a)"Shadows of Angmar" Campaign from RotWK for Good and Evil Arnor and Angmar from the campaign witn new units heroes and powers will be closed in game, but if you win "War of the Ring" and "Shadows of Angmar" you will be able to play these faction in skirmish and online games b)"Last Alliance" Campaign for Good and Evil c)"The Fourh Age" (War between Good (Gondor and Rohan ) and Evil (Harad) May be something more Create-A Hero 1) New Abilities and spells, all old spells rebalanced 2) In process; New kinds of weapon, armor, helmets Every weapon, armor, helmet has its own bonus to hero Different kinds of damage for different kinds of weapon All Cah Prices have its own Bonus for hero(killer of Uruk-Hai +15% damage for Uruks) May be new subclass for Cah Gondor Hero of the Ring: Isildur Heroes: Aragorn Gendalf Angbor Faramir Beregond Damrod Dervorin Forlong Halbarad Madril Hirluin Boromir Imrahil some of these heroes are only in campaign New Abilities for new and old heroes Modified the weapon speed of some heroes Units: Infantry: Gondorian Swordsmaens Gondorian Archers Gondorian Pikemens Gondorian Scouts Itilien Rangers Citadel Guards Guards of the White Tree Dol Amrot Soldiers Soldiers of Lamedon Soldiers of Lossonarh Soldiers of Ringol Bowmens of Mortond Pikemens of Pelargir Cavalry: Gondorian Knights Dol Amrot knights We delete all Rohan heroes and units from Gondor Modified power Army of the Dead( A King of the Dead appears with his warriors) Rohan Hero of the Ring: Eorl the Young Heroes: Teoden Teodred Eomer Eowyn Gamling Hama Erkenbard Radagast New Abilities for new and old heroes Modified the weapon speed of some heroes Rohan Buildings: Rohan Farm The House of healing Rohan Barracks Rohan Archery Range Rohan Stables EntMoot HeroStatue RohanSpellBook: Heal Weapon to the peasants Repair buildings Summon Rohan Farm Summon Tom Bombadil Spirit of the Helm’s Deep(400% to armor and 300% to damage) Summon Defence Tower Summon Gondor Allies Light Stone bombard Elven Allies with Haldir Ent Allies with TreeBeard Rohan Units Infantry: Peasants with swords Peasants with bows Peasants with pikes Westfold's Pikemens Westfold's Swordsmens Westfold's Archers Iomen Archers Rohan Swordsmens King’s Guards Druedain Archers Cavalry: Rohirim Pikemen Rohirim Archers Rohirim Axemen King’s Guard Rohirim Dwarves: Hero of the Ring: Durin Heroes: Torin King Brand Kuing Dain Bard Beorn Bifor Bofur Gloin Gimli Dvalin New Abilities for new and old heroes Dwarve's Units Infantry: Dwarve's Axethrowers Dwarve's Guardians Dwarve's with Crossbows Dwarve's Pikemens Dwarve's Saper Dwarve's Elite Pikemens Dwarve's Guards of Khazad-dum Swordsmens of Deil Archers of Deil Pikemens of Deil Rangers of Deil Cavalry: Knights of Deil + all old siege weapons Elves Hero of the Ring: Feanor Heroes; Elrond Gil-Galad Elrohir Elladan Arven Thranduil Legolas Celeborn Galadriel Cirdan Gildor New Abilities for new and old heroes Modified the weapon speed of some heroes Elven Units Infantry: Lorien Warriors Lorien Archers Lorien Spearmens Mirkwood Archera Mirkwood Swordsmen Mirkwood King's Guard Rivendell Warrrior Rivendell Archers Noldors Cavalry Rivendell lancers Lindon Archers Noldor Knights Arnor Hero of the Ring: Elendil Heroes: Argeleb Arvedui Arveleg Allatar Pallando Captain of Arnor New Abilities for new heroes Arnor Units Infantry: Arnor Swordsmen Arnor Archers Arnor Pikemens Arnor Guards Arnor Rangers Dunedain Captain of Dunedain Imladris Swordsmens Lindon Swordsmens Elven Master of Blades Imladris Captain Cavalry: Arnor Cavalry Dunedain Mordor Hero of the Ring: Sauron Heoes: 9 different Nazguls with different icons, names and powers Gothmog Shagrat King of Corsar Burzolog New Abilities for old heroes Modified the weapon speed of some heroes Mordor Units Delete all Harad units Infantry: Mordor orc's Wariors Mordor orc's Archers Morgul orc's Warriors Mordor orc's Archers Skeleton Warriors Sleleton Archers Umbar's Pikemens Attack Troll Leader Troll Black Uruks Warriors Black Uruks Pikemens Cavalry: Mordor Wolf Riders Isengard Hero of the Ring: Saruman under the power of the Ring Heroes: Saruman Grima Ugluk Lurtz Sharku Isengard Units Infantry: Isengard Swordsmens Isengard Pikemens Isengard Crossbows Isengard Berserker Isengard Fanatik Dunlands Warrior Dunlands Axemens Rufian Warriors Ruffian Slavers Ruffian Thiefs Ruffian Archers Cavalry: Wargs Wargs Riders Harad(EvilMen) Hero of the Ring: Khamul(?) we dont sure that it's good Heroes: Lindur Suladan Rpmestam Morientar Units Infantry: Isterling Warrior Isterling Archers Isterling Pikemens Isterling Captain Isterling King's Guard Warriors of Harad Archers of Harad Assasins of Harad Black King's Guard of Harad Wisards Cavalry: Mumakil Olifant Isterling Cavalry Isterling Chariot Haradrim Riders Wild and Angmar in progress. 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CommentsDisplay order: Newest first | Page: 1, 2, 3 Tar--Elendil - Sunday October 16, 2011 - 1:44 where to download?? MorguLord - Monday July 20, 2009 - 5:59 Guys,how to download this mod wantingtoplay1 - Wednesday March 18, 2009 - 17:30 dude wat about hadir?? rubeeen - Saturday November 1, 2008 - 18:34 how download? Ring o' Fate - Friday October 10, 2008 - 22:24 Please don't be dead!!! I beg you!!! Oh, and can I be a beta tester if it is still alive? PLEASE?! rjorrin28 - Tuesday September 9, 2008 - 15:14 Is this mod dead? FeanorCrashkill - Wednesday July 2, 2008 - 11:07 http://webfile.ru/2055947 58 new screenshots for Noldor UltimateRanger - Monday June 23, 2008 - 9:44 Nice FeanorCrashkill - Friday April 25, 2008 - 23:54 New Elendil: Ring Hero of Arnor fell beast - Sunday March 23, 2008 - 21:24 where we can dowload the mod |
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