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Lag Reduction for any Sage Engine game (CnC3/BFME)

Avatar of DigitalGeneral


Category: Worldbuilder
Level: Beginner
Created: Sunday November 11, 2007 - 13:11
Updated: Saturday November 15, 2008 - 13:59
Views: 11298
Summary: If the map you made works slow in-game, read this piece.


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I have notice many ways to cut down on lag for BFME2rotwk.

1: Object Placement - Most people just don't understand how many objects is too much. At the bottom left corner of your world editor is a counter that indicates the number of objects you have placed on your map. This refers to only persons and things on the map, but does not include places (waypoints, areas, waterareas). So here is my recommended amount of objects you can place on the map:

500 or less - Awesome.
500-750 - Still Awesome.
750-1000 - You are still good.
1000-1500 - Games start slowing down slightly when you spawn more units.
1500-2000 - If your map is more than 300 x 300 expect a good amount of lag as unit number inceases.
2000 or more - Start finding objects to delete. Their is no reason to have that many objects on the map and you are trying to be way to fancy. If your PC can handle the stress of rendering all those objects and being able to have large unit numbers then you have a great PC, the rest have slower computers so more than 2k of objects is stupid. Don't be a clown.

When considering the amount of objects on a map always take into consideration the size of the map itself. More objects on a large map will bring problems. While many EA maps have more than 2000 objects their simply isn't any reason for it. Not that EA's maps aren't bueatiful, the fact is that EA mappers are a bunch of clowns that have no idea that people running bare minimum requirements for the game can't handle more and more objects on a map.

2: Map Size and scale - Bigger is always better but always has more lag with the more objects and amount of units you put on the map. For fortress maps that are bigger than 300 x 300 it would be a good idea to scale up your objects to not only reduce lag by cutting down the number of objects but also making your map look as epic as possible. If you don't know how to scale a object you can simply click on a object in world builder and look at the properties of that unit, scale size is in there. If you can't find this you are a noob and should go back to mapping 101 or blind.

3: CAMERA ANGLE This is key to having a laggy map or not. The EA default for camera angle is 37.5 which does what it implies by placing the camera on a 37.5 degrees (downward) angle. This is retarded, their is no reason to have your camera angle on EA's default setting. Change it something between the range of 45-70. In this range your PC will have a more top down view which is not noticeable to players. The reason why this cuts down lag is because if you have a camera angel of 37.5 or less your PC now has to render more objects in the distance and also render more of the map while playing the game. If you are trying to make a RPG kind of feeling map with a more 3D angle it is possible to do but the game becomes more unstable with larger maps and more objects.

The next thing with the camera is the height in which your camera is allowed to go. You shouldn't have the height of the camera not exceed 500-600 since that would render too much of the map causing a slowdown. EA has it set at about 300.

4: Unit Placement, Epic Battles- Realistically I would say you can have about 50 battalion size units on a single map. Anything more than that would create lag spikes. Another indicator to go by is command points. Add up all of the players on the map command points and if it is more than say 8000 then you have way to many units. If you really want to make a epic battle you should consider placing waypoints on the map where you want units to spawn and only have them spawn in after a different unit already in play has died.

5: Wind Sway- You know every tree you have and bush sways from side to side in the course of a game. If you are just looking for ways to cut down on lag I suggest going into the scripting tool and making a new script and finding the windsway function in the unused section under environment. If you set everything to zero then it will remove all swaying of shrubs/trees and that can reduce lag alot if you have a map with heavily forested areas.

6: Water- This doesn't effect game play unless you start adding a lot of waves and rivers.

7: Fog/Snow- Adding fog or snow to a map can add a very small amount of lag to a map only if you play with the EA defaults. EA has nice defaults that you should just leave like they are. The only things you should change is the color of fog.

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Wars Of Arda1618November 11, 2007 - 13:12


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_Haldir_ (Team Chamber Member) - Thursday May 20, 2010 - 0:45

I know this is a bit of an older article, but i have to disagree about the object counts. For your average 2 player map, which might be 300x300, you're really looking at a bare minimum of about 1000 objects. If you're looking at trying to include rocks, shrubs, trees, animals, audio, bases and settlements, tactical markers, creeps and any man-made objects into your map (which you should :P), then expect to have around 1000-1500 objects, or a very empty map.

It's good to be conscious of your object count, as there is a point where extra objects become unnecessary and don't contribute to your map, but i'd say that point is closer to the 4000 mark, than the 2000 mentioned in the tutorial ;)

catman9876 - Tuesday March 10, 2009 - 20:40

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Friday November 16, 2007 - 15:05

I entirely agree that it will reduce lag, but I'm just a little unsure about changing the camera angle. If your game is lagging even on very low settings, than it either means that something is wrong with the map (too many objects, units, etc.) or you really need to update your computer. I just think that it is unnecessary. Perhaps changing it to 45 will be allright. But changing it to 70 is way too much ;)

DigitalGeneral - Thursday November 15, 2007 - 18:45

well if you changed it to a angle of 40 or 45 the angle change wouldn't be noticeable, the default they have it at is ridiculous. I think you are forgetting that many of us run off the bare minimum specs for the game and what seems like a small difference for you means a big difference for me. Well try it out on 37.5 and see how many units you can fill the map with then do the same for 45 and I'm sure you can fit more before lagging....don't forget to turn off the porn joking.

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Monday November 12, 2007 - 19:56

I have to disagree with your camera angle statement. Changing the angle is very noticable and may feel odd when in a top-down view. It will most certaintly cut down on lag but you really shouldn't have to do this to play the game without it lagging. I wouldn't change it unless you are really having a lot of trouble with the lag (which you shouldn't if you follow all the other comments you made).

Sulherokhh (Team Chamber Member) - Monday November 12, 2007 - 2:51

Good read.

DigitalGeneral - Sunday November 11, 2007 - 13:17

Hope I'm helpful - firstpost

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