The 3rd Age

Age of the Firstborn

Age of the Firstborn

A mod that adds two new factions, new CaH-Class, new maps and more

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Khazâd ai-mênu!

Mod for Battle for Middle-earth BFME

Avatar of mike_


Category: Dead Mods
Created: Friday December 14, 2007 - 19:11
Updated: Monday July 6, 2009 - 17:57
Views: 12209
Summary: A single-faction Mod that brings Dwarves to the Battle for Middle-earth.


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15 votes

The focus of this mod is to bring the Dwarves of Erebor and their kin into the battlefields of The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth.
Here is their current Tech Tree:


Dain II Ironfoot.
-Rank One: King Under the Mountain, leadership bonus to all nearby troops of +25% vision, +75% combat experience, +50% defence increase against missile weapons.
-Rank One: Dwarven Cleave, powerful attack against one enemy.
-Rank Three: Name Known Far, causes fear in enemy troops.
-Rank Five: Bombard, increases firing rate of targeted battalion by 65%.
-Rank Seven: Commanding Presence, grants experience to nearby units.
-Rank Ten: Fortifications, increases health and armor values of buildings within radius.
Gimli, Son of Gloin.
-Rank One: Axe Throw.
-Rank One: Father Like Son, increases Gimli's defence values by 50% when close to Gloin.
-Rank Two: Leap.
-Rank Five: Slayer, features a cool new animation from Lauri.
-Rank Six: Veteran Fighter, +25% combat experience and +70% damage to nearby Dwarven Campaigners and Clansmen.
-Notes: Starts at rank three when recruited from the Citidel.
Hadhod, Dwarf of Fundin's Clan.
-Rank One: Toggle Weapons, swap between an axe with an AoE and a siege hammer.
-Rank One: Long Friendships, summons Elegost the Dunedain to fight for a short time.
-Rank Two: Crippling Smash, melee version of Cripple, only effects one enemy.
-Rank Four: Journeyman, armor upgrade.
Elegost the Dunedain
-Rank One: Toggle Weapon, swaps between sword and bow.
-Rank One: Creature Bane, increases damage to Wargs, Trolls, and Mumaks. Passive.
-Notes: Summoned by Hadhod's, "Long Friendships" Power.
Gloin, Son of Groin.
-Rank One: Father Like Son., increases Gloin's attack values by 50% when close to Gimli.
Thorin III Stonehelm.
Bifur and Bofur.
Dwalin, of the Blue Mountains.
-Rank One: Lord of the Ered Luin, leadership to nearby Ered Luin Pikes.
-Rank Three: Traveler, temporarily increases move speed of target battalion.
-Rank Three: O Brother, Where Art Thou?, increased damage to Trolls and Goblins. Passive.
-Rank Seven: Pike Master, single powerful attack that does knockback to rest of target horde.
-Notes: Wields a Dwarven trident.
Bard II.
-Rank One: Toggle Weapon, swap between bow and sword.
-Notes: Summoned from the "Summon Dale Allies" Power.


Dwarven Clansmen.
-Upgrades: Throwing Axes, Broad Shields, Heavy Armour, Dragon Helms.
-Trained From: Halls of Our Fathers.
-Description: The basic Dwarven melee units, have reasonable attack and defence values. Come in battalions of five. When a battalion levels up, it recieves a Clan Chief in place of a Banner-Bearer, which acts the same.
Dwarven Archers.
-Upgrades: Heavy Armour, Flaming Arrows.
-Trained From: Halls of Our Fathers.
Description: Dwarven bowmen. Fire very slowly, have limited range. Come in battalions of eight.
-Upgrades: Dragon Helms, Throwing Axes.
-Trained From: Halls of Our Fathers, Rank Two.
-Ability: Veterancy, immune to Fear from Rank One, +15% attack bonus to nearby Clansmen and Archers.
-Description: Have high defence and attack values. Have randomized weapons, models, and skins. Come in battalions of six.
-Note: Gimli is a Dwarf Campaigner, so expect them to resemble him a little bit.
Ered Luin Pikes.
-Upgrades: Heavy Armour, Dragon Helms.
-Trained From: Halls of Our Fathers, Rank Two.
-Description: Anti-cavalry and -monster of Erebor, wield "Great Tridents."
Khazad Guard.
-Upgrades: Hammers.
-Trained From: Halls of Our Fathers, Rank Three.
-Description: Dwarven elites. Come in battalions of five. Have highest defence and health of all units ingame. Can upgrade with Hammers to increase damage done to large targets.
Archers of Dale.
-Notes: Summoned from the "Summon Dale Allies" Power. Have a high attack rate, range, and power. Low defence.

Siege Machines.

Battering Ram.
-Upgrades: None.
-Trained From: Mausoleum of Siege, Rank One.
-Description: A slow-moving, but powerful, ram pulled by a group of Dwarves.
-Upgrades: None.
-Trained From: Mausoleum of Siege, Rank Two.
-Description: Basically, the Dwarven equivalent of a catapult. Functions identically ingame.


Dwarven Quarry.
-Notes: Settlement Resource building. Reduces cost of buildings.
Dwarven Smithery.
-Notes: Standard resource building. Purchases upgrades starting at Rank Two, reduces cost of upgrades.
-Upgrades: At Rank Two, can purchase- Throwing Axes, Flaming Arrows, and Heavy Armour. Once a Smithery reaches Rank Three it can purchase Hammers. Once the Power "An Age of Reclaimation" has been purchased, it may purchase Dragon Helms.
Hall of Our Fathers.
-Notes: Trains Clansmen and Archers at Rank One, Campaigners, Banner-Bearers, and Pikes at Rank Two, and Khazad Guard at Rank Three. Heals nearby units at Rank Two. Also at Rank Two, allows the purchaseable upgrade "Broadshields".
Stealthed Lookout.
-Notes: Alternate Settlement building, stealthed (codeable?), reduces cost of Campaigners, reveals large portion of shroud around it.
Monument to Aule.
-Notes: Provides leadership to nearby troops. Reduces cost of heroes.
Siege Works.
-Notes: At Rank One, builds Battering Rams. At Rank Two, constructs Onagers.


Throwing Axes.
Purchasable From: Dwarven Smithery.
Applies To: Dwarven Clansmen, Campaigners.
Broad Shields.
Purchasable From: Hall of Our Fathers.
Applies To: Dwarven Clansmen.
Flaming Arrows.
Purchasable From: Dwarven Smithery.
Applies To: Dwarven Archers.
Heavy Armour.
Purchasable From: Dwarven Smithery.
Applies To: Dwarven Clansmen, Dwarven Archers, Ered Luin Pikes.
Purchasable From: Dwarven Smithery.
Applies To: Khazad Guard.
Dragon Helms.
Purchasable From: Dwarven Smithery, unlocked once Power "An Age of Reclaimation" is purchased.
Applies To: Dwarven Clansmen, Campaigners, Ered Luin Pikes.


Tier 1:
Heal, 1 PP.
Baruk Khazad!, 1 PP.
-Notes: Increases unit attack power by +45%, unit move speed by 30%.
Tier 2:
Summon Elven Allies, 3 PP.
Barzanthul, 2 PP.
-Notes: Anduril/Gandalf the White rip-off for Dain.
Like Water on a Rock, 3 PP.
-Notes: Destroys all trees and places "gravelly" ground texture within Area of Effect. Negates Enemy Leadership bonuses, and reduces enemy movement speed by 85%.
Tier 4:
An Age of Reclaimation, 6 PP.
-Notes: Increases resource production of all buildings, and reduces cost of all upgrades, units, and buildings by 15%. Enables purchase of Dragon Helms from Dwarven Smitheries. Resources are generated by all slain enemies.
Summon Allies of Dale, 6 PP.
-Notes: Summons Bard II and four battalions of Archers of Dale.
Tier 4:
Fair Tidings, 14 PP.
-Notes: Summons an army of Dwarves of the Iron Hills, heralded by a Raven.

Links / Downloads

Discussion Thread2844December 18, 2007 - 15:57


mike_"leader", media guy, general newb.
Lauri"One Man Army."
MathijsSkinner, Modeller.


Display order: Newest first

spetey - Wednesday January 23, 2008 - 17:49

good mod


i understand, sorry. i like all bfme games tho


i now see that you have done a lot of work on this, please accept my apology, all of you, im sorry.

Thorongil45 - Sunday December 30, 2007 - 23:40

nice mod. cool idea.

mike_ (Team Chamber Member) - Thursday December 27, 2007 - 21:19

And many people dislike Battle for Middle-earth II - such as myself.
In addition to that, why pay money for a shoddy game when you get just download a mod - for free?
I could actually ask the same question of you for making a mod for the original Battle for Middle-earth and the sequel's expansion - why not simply make it for the standard game?
You're supposed to rate mods and articles on the site according to their goals and content - not for what game they're for.
Fortunately for us both, this is not the place to debate this, and so I refuse to discuss it further. Just think before you act next time.

Akhôrahil - Thursday December 27, 2007 - 18:55

Not everyone has Battle for Middle Earth II.

spetey - Thursday December 27, 2007 - 18:09

UltimateRanger - Monday December 24, 2007 - 1:48

Glad you put it up here,keep it up

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