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8 pack of 8 player ROTWK Skirmish Maps

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Category: Maps
Created: Thursday May 1, 2008 - 14:28
Updated: Saturday January 7, 2012 - 22:50
Views: 25006
Summary: 8 pack of 8 player Skirmish Maps updated for ROTWK


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1 vote

Decompress this archive into your MAPS folder with the "Preserve Relative Paths" option and you should be good to go.

The maps included have all been updated with support for the Angmar faction and Gollum (The One Ring) can be captured by any of the active players, whether human or AI.

Camera and Ground Height have been modified in all 8 maps to give users a bit larger field of vision.

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8 pack of 8 player Skirmish Maps updated for ROTWK8604May 1, 2008 - 14:29

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