The 3rd Age

The 4th Age

The 4th Age

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Sy's Asset Builder "Texture Replacer"

Avatar of FlameGuard


Category: Other
Level: Beginner
Created: Friday June 6, 2008 - 1:16
Updated: Friday June 6, 2008 - 1:29
Views: 7125
Summary: How to modify a models assigned texture, Without opening in renx.


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3 votes

Before we begin, Please make sure you have downloaded Sy's Asset Builder [Hosted here at]

After you have downloaded Sy's Asset Builder, Run the .exe and install the application.

Now we can start, Run "Sy's Asset Builder".

Select the "Edit W3D" button, A window will open.

Locate the model that you wish to modify, The "W3D Texture Replacer" will open.

Now, Select the texture you wish to change. Such as,


After selecting the texture you wish to change, Click the "Replace" button.

Another window will open, Find the texture you would like to replace the original texture with.

Now select "Ok", Another window will open to allow you to save the modified model, Choose your desired save location.

And... Thats it, The model is now assigned to your new texture.

Thanks for reading,

Links / Downloads

Sy's Asset Builder1516June 6, 2008 - 1:27


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Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday June 14, 2008 - 9:34

heh, didn't even know this existed...

TroDuS - Friday June 6, 2008 - 3:21

very cool to save time ;)


very cool to save time ;)

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