The 3rd Age

RJ - RotWK

RJ - RotWK

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Creating statistic symbols for your new faction

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

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Turin Turumbar

Category: Code
Level: Intermediate
Created: Friday June 6, 2008 - 7:28
Updated: Friday June 6, 2008 - 7:36
Views: 7468
Summary: You can learn in this article, how you can add your own faction symbol in the statistic menu


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10 votes

Today I want to tell you how you can add your faction symbol in the statistic screen.
You should know about adding buttons into this game for this tut.
First we go to to data\ini\mappedimages\aptimages\aptcomponents.ini
Search for "Men" and you will find this Code:


MappedImage AptIconMen
Texture = AptComponents_001.tga
TextureWidth = 512
TextureHeight = 512
Coords = Left:222 Top:224 Right:258 Bottom:260
Status = NONE

This is the base code. Now you should know how your faction is called in the playertemplate.ini, delete the "Faction" and add it instead of "Men". I am using my new Faction for this Tutorial, which is called "Numenor"
So here is the new code:

MappedImage AptIconNumenor
Texture = AptComponents_001.tga
TextureWidth = 512
TextureHeight = 512
Coords = Left:222 Top:224 Right:258 Bottom:260
Status = NONE

Now you can change your icon, for this you should know about adding buttons in the game.
I made a new image for my faction "Numenor", so I changed the code:

MappedImage AptIconNumenor
Texture = arnorstatt.tga
TextureWidth = 512
TextureHeight = 512
Coords = Left:0 Top:0 Right:512 Bottom:512
Status = NONE

And here is the ingame result:
Click here for the screen

I hope that you know now how to add these images ;)


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-=DooM=- - Saturday November 13, 2010 - 5:29

I dont know where to put code AptIconExample. Could somebody help me???

Delta Omega - Tuesday August 18, 2009 - 12:19

How do you create statistic pictures and info (eg.time played as a certain faction in statistics menu) for a new faction.


And also put it in game, any clue?

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday June 18, 2008 - 10:29

Nice find!


Nice find!

Ridder Geel (Staff) - Tuesday June 10, 2008 - 7:18

Ok then I will check this out real soon!

Turin Turumbar - Tuesday June 10, 2008 - 5:47


Ridder Geel (Staff) - Monday June 9, 2008 - 11:21

So you can use this method to make new icons for factions without having to replace the old ones from other factions?

Turin Turumbar - Sunday June 8, 2008 - 3:42

@trodus yes it is, I tested it with a complete new faction, too and it worked

ched (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday June 7, 2008 - 18:57

Most excellent! Let's hope this works in BfME1!

I'll let you know soon enough

TroDuS - Saturday June 7, 2008 - 12:10

for example, if i have a new race, like Mirkwood and I add them as new one, it is able to give "Mirkwood" a new icon?

Turin Turumbar - Saturday June 7, 2008 - 8:07

no, you can add it for your new faction and you can edit it for the old factions

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