The 3rd Age

Age of the Firstborn

Age of the Firstborn

A mod that adds two new factions, new CaH-Class, new maps and more

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The Ages of Middle Earth

Mod for Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of Wolf


Category: Dead Mods
Created: Wednesday August 27, 2008 - 20:04
Updated: Monday July 6, 2009 - 18:45
Views: 20128
Summary: Introduces new factions, units , heroes , spells and a new style of game play similar to BFME1.


Staff says


Members say




3 votes


This modification was a secret project to belong only to the creator and the makers. As the Creator, i have decided to introduce this mod to the public. This mod introduces new factions, heroes, units, and a new style of game play similar to BFME1.


Kingdoms of Men
- Gondor - Ring Hero: Isildur
- Rohan - Ring Hero: Eorl, The Young
- Arnor - Ring Hero: Elendil
- Numenor - Ring Hero: Elros Tar-Minyatur

Kingdoms of the Elves
- Rivendell - Ring Hero: Elrond
- Lindon - Ring Hero: Gil-galad

Underground Kingdoms of the Dwarfs
- Erebor - Ring Hero: King Dain
- Khazad Dum - Ring Hero: King Durin

Evil Kingdoms of the Shadows
- Angband - Ring Hero: Morgoth
- Angmar - Ring Hero: The Witch King of Angmar
- Mordor - Ring Hero: Sauron
- Isengard - Ring Hero: Saruman, The White
- Wild - Ring Hero: The Great Goblin

Chief Kingdoms of Men of the East
- Rhun - Ring Hero: Ulfang, Lord of Rhun
- Harad - Ring Hero: Suladan, The Serpent Lord


The mod will introduce a new set of campaign missions for both, good and evil, but it will also introduce the story line of one of the ages. You will have the option to play the story line of the first age, the second or the third.
All of the story line for the Campaigns will be from the book: The Lord of The Rings.
The videos presented on the campaign levels for the third age will be from the movie, The Lord of the Rings: The fellowship, The Two Towers, and from The Return of the King.

Campaign story Line: The First Age
It will introduce the rise and plans of the dark lord, Morgoth. The campaign will be for both, good and evil, each will have a different ending which does not affect the Second and Third Age story lines.

Campaign story Line: The Second Age
It will introduce the rise of Morgoth's Lieutenant, Sauron. The campaign will be for both, good and evil, each will have different endings which does not affect the Third Age story line.

Campaign story Line: The Third Age
It will introduce the journey of the fellowship of the ring. Some battles that will be in the campaign for both, good and evil, will be: The Siege of Helm's Deep, The Siege of Minas Tirith, The Battle of the Black Gates, The Siege of Erebor, The Siege of Rivendell, and many more that are still under construction.

I am gonna change the way units look, attack and move depending on upgrades. Orcs, Uruks, and Goblins will have no armor when you just purchase them. They will still be able to defend themselves but they will not have strong attacks and defending points. This will force the player to use the upgrades such as heavy armor. Uruk, Orcs, and Goblins will have armor on when the 'Heavy Armor' upgrade is purchase. Evil faction's armor will be a dark, strong, silver-color-like metal. Good factions will depend on this change as well but units such as 'Gondor Soldier' will have armor on, but their defending points will be low so it is evenly balanced to the evil faction's starting units. as you upgrade the 'Gondor Soldier', you will notice that their armor will turn from a dark, dirty silver to a clean, stronger silver. The glowing of sword when upgraded will most likely be taken off as well so it has a sense of realism, it has not been decided yet though.

The official Website is currently under construction. A link will be posted once it is done. Screen shots, videos, and News on the mod will be posted on the forums on the web site.

Note: Help is wanted, it won't matter if you are a beginner or expert, if you are interested then send me an e-mail to Just remember that not every one who signs up will be chosen and i am looking for spirited people willing to improve their skills.

Links / Downloads

Screen Shots3423September 1, 2008 - 12:06
Official Website - The Ages of Middle Earth Mod6175August 29, 2008 - 19:15


ModelerRob - Left Mod Team due to attendance of College
Map DesignerNick
CoderJohnny - Left Mod Team due to attendance of College
Map DesignerKevin
Temporary Head CoderTheWickedOne


Display order: Newest first | Page: 1, 2

Tar--Elendil - Thursday October 20, 2011 - 16:59

where can i download it? looks fantastick:)


is it dead????

king of the dead94 - Tuesday May 17, 2011 - 13:05

is it dead? well... too bad. I was hoping to download and play this mod sometime.

Gil-garador - Monday July 19, 2010 - 2:05

what happend i was looking forward for this mod

Iluvatar85 - Monday February 16, 2009 - 13:45

I really hope this mod will be finished some day!

TheWickedOne - Wednesday November 26, 2008 - 11:03

So...the mod is really on hold for the while huh wolf? get on Yahoo man, it's been ages since you left.

Wolf - Tuesday November 18, 2008 - 19:42

The mod is hold on hold for the moment. I promised it will be back on schedule soon along with entire showcase of the factions and their units/heroes.

rjorrin28 - Sunday November 16, 2008 - 19:43

The mod is on hold right now. Taking a break.

Iluvatar85 - Saturday November 8, 2008 - 15:15

The website of the mod can't be used... So, how is it going so far?

druchii22 - Wednesday September 10, 2008 - 4:21

It looks good, I'm impatient to play it.

Wolf - Sunday September 7, 2008 - 9:24

I wasn't expecting any ratings until i release the Beta.


Guys, please do not rate my mod yet. I would like to release the Beta and then hear people tell me what they think.

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