The 3rd Age

Bodies Stay Sub-mod Compilation

Bodies Stay Sub-mod Compilation

These are several submods, which make bodies stay.

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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Gmax/Renx OBJ Tools

Download for Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of Lord of the Rings Junkie

Lord of the Rings Junkie

Category: Software
Created: Saturday August 30, 2008 - 12:37
Updated: Sunday April 5, 2015 - 15:18
Views: 12460
Summary: A set of tools to be used for importing and exporting OBJ files from Gmax/Renx


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2 votes

With these tools it is possible to both import and export OBJ files from Gmax and Renx. This is mostly useful to people who want to model and UV map in any program that is not 3DS Max or Renx. You can find a tutorial on their use here.

Place GrabListener.exe anywhere you please on your hard-drive.

Place the two .ms script files in your C:/gmax/scripts/startup folder.

Links / Downloads

Renx OBJ Tools4345August 30, 2008 - 12:39


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Irenë Hawnetyne - Sunday July 31, 2011 - 22:26

What is the GrabListener.exe?

Lord of the Rings Junkie - Sunday March 1, 2009 - 19:37

No, it only includes what you need to import and export OBJ files from Renx.

LinkFan (Banned) - Wednesday December 10, 2008 - 8:10

Does this include the w3d viewer?

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