The 3rd Age

The Dwarf Holds

The Dwarf Holds

This mod adds a fully functional Dwarf faction to the game. Based on the now-defunct RA mod.

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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New Hero and Unit Mod

Avatar of dethwaker3


Category: Finished Mods
Created: Wednesday November 19, 2008 - 20:19
Updated: Sunday January 1, 2012 - 21:07
Views: 21243
Summary: Mod adding new units, new heroes and a fun gameplay.


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4 votes

Finally my mod is finished. The Reason I made it for BFME2 is because I don't have ROTWK :( and that I see that there is not much mods for BFME2 >:(

How to install: (The Mod is not finish: Some of the button image is not yet finish, Just read the text in the game)

Put the ini.big to
C:\Documents and Settings\(Your name)\Application Data\My Battle for Middle-earth(tm) II Files

Now right click your shortcut and go to Target name

and add -mod ini.big

like this: "D:\Lord of the Ring\lotrbfme2.exe" -mod ini.big

Of course u have to change the "D:\Lord of the Ring\lotrbfme2.exe" to the place where u install your game

What does this mod do to the game?:

For Elves

New Heros:

Prince Imrahil
Galadriel without glow- can not attack for some reason

New Units:

Elven Guard (or whatever it's called, Brought at Barrack)
Hobbit shirrf (Brought at Green Pasture
Dol Amroth (it's a knight can be brought at Green Pasture)
Gondor Fighter and Gondor Archer at Green Pasture


New Heros: (I have bad naming skills)

Shadow (Leader of Dunedain Rangers)
Shade (Brother of Shadow)

New units:

Rohan Warriors (Built at Gondor Barracks)
Dunedain Ranger (Built at Archery Range
Mothrond Archer (or whatever it's called at Archery Range)- have purple arrows lol


New heros:
King Brand
Bilbo (Just the model of hobbit shirrf but with Frodo voice)

New units:

Dale Fighter (Built at Dwarven Barrack)- no new button image
Dale Archer (Built at Dwarven Archery Range)-no new button image


New hero:
Assassian- no new button image


New hero:

New units:
Rhun Riders

I hope u like these new units and heros!

ALSO add a new faction called The Good

Links / Downloads

Fun Mod Download3348November 19, 2008 - 20:20


dethwaker3Maker of the mod
Ridder GeelFor helping me
TheWickedOneFor helping me
LurtzyFor the Skeleton Model and for helping me
NerteaFor South Fiefdoms Models
ClementFor models from BFME2 Deluxe Edition
the3rdage.netTutorials and members


Display order: Newest first

ava74kt3 - Monday August 29, 2011 - 20:49

can you make thor and loki

Neged - Thursday April 16, 2009 - 4:13

How about naming the leader of the dunedain rangers Vardamir?
his brother i dont know,
as for assassin name him Búrzum, which means darkness on the orcish language... on some site they said that... or you can name him Búrzgûl which means dark wraith in some order...

rjorrin28 - Saturday March 21, 2009 - 22:55

Just one question, why is Aragorn with the Dwarves?

lady nazgûl - Wednesday February 4, 2009 - 15:16

just some work more keep on it is good


sorry forgot something for shadow could be uialring it´s name is in old quenya means dark and cold and for shade.. Dae means shade xDD


cani work with you? plz? 2da art and names too plz plz

dethwaker3 - Thursday November 20, 2008 - 17:56

Thanks! I hope u like this mod :D

Spartan184 - Thursday November 20, 2008 - 16:47

Hey nice mod ill try it out good that your learning to mod i gave up on it im a mapper instead i like making maps better. Keep up the good work!!! Thanks for making it for bfme2 and not rotwk i dont have that game sucks. I hope you make another version i like your mod pretty cool.

dethwaker3 - Thursday November 20, 2008 - 16:30

I am really bad at making names :( Also I will do it later.

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Wednesday November 19, 2008 - 23:03

First please rename the mod! Come on, you got to have more creativity than that. Second, Clean up your description text. Double spacing everything doesn't look good. Third, specify what models you got from others. Just "some models" isn't very specific. And finally, I changed it so that you are the owner of the mod (dethwaker3).

dethwaker3 - Wednesday November 19, 2008 - 20:25

Thanks for putting it for me, TheWickedOne!!!!! Also though there is some update soon about the button it okay if u upload it again after I made it?

Edit: Nvm

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