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Turin's free Models and Reskins

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Turin Turumbar

Category: Resources
Created: Saturday January 3, 2009 - 12:04
Updated: Monday July 26, 2010 - 5:07
Views: 13263
Summary: You can find free models by Turin Turumbar here


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8 votes

If you use one of these models, than add my name to the readme of your mod.
Here is the first free model, a dwarf.
Skins are completely made with Gimp.
90% self skinned, rest by EA.
I know, that the linking is not very good, but the gmax file is included, so that you can change that.
User image
Modelname: dwarftu_skn.w3d
Skeleton: eudwarfgua_skl.w3d
Textures: dudwarf.tga, schild.tga

Made a second texture for the Modell, you can use both for random textures.
User image
Textures: dudwarf2.tga, schild2.tga

High Resolution texture for the shield of the Gondorsoldiers, just add the texture to your mod and your asset and every Gondorsoldier will use this shield texture instead of EA´s low resolution texture:
User image
Textures: gumaarmsshield.tga

Now nothing special, again a simple reskin. Now its the gondorian trebuchet. I added the BFME 2 Mod SDK soldier texture and changed the wood, nothing special, but maybe you like it. Don´t wonder about the fire, the w3d viewer just don´t show it correct, ingame is it right. ;)
User image
User image
Texture: guseigtreb.tga
Damaged texture: guseigtreb_dmg.tga

Again not something special, it´s an old work of me a year old, it was a request by an guy. Now someone other asked me for the modell, so I reuploaded it:
User image
Modell: gurang_skn.w3d
Skeleton: gutowergrd_skl
Textures: gurannew.tga guraschild.tga

Here is another random texture and modell for the dwarfes:
User image
Modelname: dudwaold_skn.w3d
Skeleton: eudwarfgua_skl.w3d
Textures: dudwarf3.tga, dudwarf.tga

Some old modells from my mod:
User image
Modelname: wudrum_skn.w3d
Skeleton: mudrmtroll_skl.w3d
Textures: mudrum.tga mugobdrum.tga

User image
Modelname: muhatt_skn.w3d
Skeleton: mucorsar_skl.w3d
Textures: muatt.tga mucorsair.tga

User image
Modelname: eumirsp_skn.w3d
Skeleton: gutowergrd_skl.w3d
Textures: eumirsp.tga

User image
Modelname: eumirsw_skn.w3d
Skeleton: gumaarms_skl.w3d
Textures: eumirksword.tga

User image
User image
Modelname: wuuruk4_skn.w3d
Skeleton: iuurukahi_skl.w3d
Textures: wumaraud_c.tga wustarkork.tga wustarkork_ha.tga wuwldrkw.tga wuwlddurs.tga

User image
User image
Modelname: wuwargheld5.w3d
Skeleton: iushrkmnt_skl.w3d
Textures: wargrue2.tga wargrues.tga wuwarg.tga wuwargfur.tga wuwargha.tga

Links / Downloads

Warg with armor1324July 26, 2010 - 5:07
Heavy-armed Goblins1343July 26, 2010 - 5:06
Mirkwoodswordsmen1330July 26, 2010 - 5:06
Mirkwoodspearmen1362July 26, 2010 - 5:06
Harad-assassin1320July 26, 2010 - 5:05
Goblindrummer1233July 26, 2010 - 5:05
Third Dwarf1405February 22, 2009 - 9:19
Ranger Download1528January 21, 2009 - 10:16
Trebuchet Reskin1285January 7, 2009 - 7:46
Gondorian shield texture1381January 7, 2009 - 6:43
Second Texture for the Dwarf1602January 5, 2009 - 9:40
Dwarf Download1466January 3, 2009 - 12:16


Turin TurumbarModeler and Skinner


Display order: Newest first

MorguLord - Tuesday August 9, 2011 - 1:34

Greetings to Turin
I just wanna inform you that i will use some of your models in my mod, though i may change some textures :D
Off course you will be credited..

Turin Turumbar - Tuesday December 22, 2009 - 6:22

you dont have to put them into your mod, they are already in the game. the same with the animations: i didnt put the animations into the packages, because they are already in the game, i just put the skeleton in the package, so that you know which anims the modell is using

Zarmoz - Monday December 14, 2009 - 10:31

Um... where should I put the SKL file? The anims are like lame... no anims at all


Um... where should I put the SKL file? The anims are like lame... no anims at all

MrWizard - Thursday October 29, 2009 - 15:07

Can these be used in BFME1?

{AE}Manveru - Monday July 13, 2009 - 12:41

May I use these in my mod provided I credit you? (Specifically the shield and trebuchet reskins, but possibly others as well)

EDIT: Nvm, just read the top paragraph.

lady nazgûl - Tuesday February 3, 2009 - 17:05

yeah nice i´m agree with rob

Rob38 (Team Chamber Member) - Sunday January 4, 2009 - 18:24

Nice, will be interesting to see what else you put up :)

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