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Numenorean/Arnor Infantry with upgrades

Download for Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of Ouranos


Category: Resources
Created: Tuesday February 10, 2009 - 1:46
Updated: Wednesday July 20, 2011 - 10:11
Views: 14659
Summary: An edited version of EA Numenorean models . They now haveupgrades


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9 votes

Numenorean/Arnor Soldier with Forged Blades

User image

Model name, skeleton and textures have not been changed.
Updated: Improved binding

Model: gunumnrean_skn.w3d
Skeleton: gumaarms_skl.w3d
- exlnzflar2.tga
- gunumnrean.tga
- gunumshield.tga
Important Subobjects

Numenorean/Arnor Archer with Flaming Arrows

User image

Model name, skeleton and textures have not been changed.

Model: gunumnarch_skn.w3d
Skeleton: guarcher_skl.w3d
- exfiretorchseq.tga
- gunumnrean.tga
- g_arrow.tga
Important Subobjects

Arnor Infantry
This is based on Games Workshop's Ruin of Arnor models.
The Models and skins are modified from the Gondor infantry.
I am not a really great skinner so the skins could use some improvements.
[Update] I have improved the skins and models as well as added the Cavalry.
I have also separated the download for each unit. All units have a White Tree skin, a GW skin and a heavy armor skin eventhough they are not all shown.
[Update2]Added the Trebuchet.
[Update3]Added the Captain

Arnor Captain

User image

Model: aucaptain_skn.w3d
Skeleton: guboromir_skl.w3d
- aucaptain.tga
- aubanner.tga
- aumaarmsshield.tga (with the white tree) or aumaarmsshield2.tga (with the GW Arnor symbol)
- gunumnrean
Important Subobjects

Arnor Man-at-Arm

User image

Model: aumaarms_skn.w3d
Skeleton: gumaarms_skl.w3d
- exlnzflar2.tga
- aumanatarms.tga (with the white tree) or aumanatarms2.tga (with the GW Arnor symbol)
- aumanatarms_ha.tga (heavy armor)
- aumaarmsshield.tga (with the white tree) or aumaarmsshield2.tga (with the GW Arnor symbol)
- gunumnrean
Important Subobjects

Arnor Archer

User image

Model: auarcher_skn.w3d
Skeleton: guarcher_skl.w3d
- exfiretorchseq.tga
- aumanatarms.tga (with the white tree) or aumanatarms2.tga (with the GW Arnor symbol)
- aumanatarms_ha.tga (heavy armor)
- g_arrow.tga
Important Subobjects

Arnor Spearman

User image

Model: auspear_skn.w3d
Skeleton: gutwrgrd_skl.w3d
- exlnzflar2.tga
- aumanatarms.tga (with the white tree) or aumanatarms2.tga (with the GW Arnor symbol)
- aumanatarms_ha.tga (heavy armor)
- gutwrgrd.tga
Important Subobjects

Arnor Banner

User image

Model: aubanner_skn.w3d
Skeleton: gubanner_skl.w3d
- exlnzflar2.tga
- aumanatarms.tga (with the white tree) or aumanatarms2.tga (with the GW Arnor symbol)
- aumanatarms_ha.tga (heavy armor)
- aubanner.tga (with the white tree) or aubanner2.tga (with the GW Arnor symbol)
- gunumnrean

Arnor Knight

User image

Model: aucavalry_skn.w3d
Skeleton: gucavalry_skl.w3d
- exlnzflar2.tga
- aumanatarms.tga (with the white tree) or aumanatarms2.tga (with the GW Arnor symbol)
- aumanatarms_ha.tga (heavy armor)
- aumaarmsshield.tga (with the white tree) or aumaarmsshield2.tga (with the GW Arnor symbol)
- gunumnrean
- cuhorse_bnwta
Important Subobjects

Arnor Mounted Archer

User image

Model: aumntarcher_skn.w3d
Skeleton: rurhrmarch_skl.w3d
- exfiretorchseq.tga
- aumanatarms.tga (with the white tree) or aumanatarms2.tga (with the GW Arnor symbol)
- aumanatarms_ha.tga (heavy armor)
- g_arrow.tga
- cuhorse_bnwta
- gunumnrean
Important Subobjects

Arnor Mounted Banner

User image

Model: aubnrcav_skn.w3d
Skeleton: rurrmbnr_skl.w3d
- aumanatarms.tga (with the white tree) or aumanatarms2.tga (with the GW Arnor symbol)
- aumanatarms_ha.tga (heavy armor)
- aubanner.tga (with the white tree) or aubanner2.tga (with the GW Arnor symbol)
- cuhorse_bnwta
- gunumnrean

Arnor Trebuchet

User image

Model: ausiegtreb_skn.w3d
Skeleton: gusiegtreb_skl.w3d
- aumanatarms.tga (with the white tree) or aumanatarms2.tga (with the GW Arnor symbol)
- guseigtreb.tga or guseigtreb_dmg.tga (damaged)
- exfireseq.tga
- exlnzflar2
Important Subobjects

Links / Downloads

Arnor Captain1544July 20, 2011 - 10:11
Arnor Trebuchet1516March 21, 2010 - 9:06
Arnor Mounted Banner1580March 16, 2010 - 11:35
Arnor Mounted Archer1585March 16, 2010 - 11:34
Arnor Knight1606March 16, 2010 - 11:34
Arnor Spearman1503March 16, 2010 - 11:33
Arnor Banner1532March 16, 2010 - 11:32
Arnor Archer1579March 16, 2010 - 11:32
Arnor Man-at-Arm1621March 16, 2010 - 11:32
Numenorean Archer1763April 17, 2009 - 16:20
Numenorean Swordsman1960February 10, 2009 - 1:47


Display order: Newest first

Tar-Arveleg - Wednesday December 21, 2011 - 12:15

Hi everybody! i've just joined to this community. I've been searching through the internet to find a proper arnor mod. i've found one but it lacks the fire arrow and forged blades upgrade for arnor. Finally i saw that thread while i was searching but i really don't know how to add these skins to my ROWTK files. Can anyone help me please? i don't know where to start.

JUS_SAURON - Saturday July 30, 2011 - 6:08

This looks Excellent . Hence the Rating !
Good to see people making High Quality Models for the Forum to Download .
Its an entire Faction Here!

drogoth232 - Tuesday March 16, 2010 - 11:32

I pmed Ouranos. I told him that he could put it up for download. I am warning you they are pretty good in my eyes.. Only problem I have is that I cant get the upgrades with them. That is a coding problem but otherwisa it is awsome!
and Klev if he didnt want to do it then thats his affair. I convinced him to send me one. I respected his hard work. He actually for me improved those models that you see.



Ouranos - Thursday July 16, 2009 - 1:54

I have already made those models for drogoth232. If he agrees I can give them to you.

klev - Sunday July 12, 2009 - 18:05

Hate to say this but.... I am so sick of people who cant make a properably Arnor model!!!!!! u can use the Numenor model damnit!! check games work shop its damn easy to change them just take the plate chest from a gondor soldier texture it over their chest! I WANT SOME GOOD ARNOR MODELS!!! WHICH OTHER ARNOR FANS IS WITH ME!?!


If someone is willing to make Arnor models email me ( i have more info of how they look, please do us all/me a favour and make some good Arnor models. Ps, ive tried to make the models my self but... i have no experience with modeling

kotsos13 - Saturday April 11, 2009 - 5:36

thnx man (ellhnara!!!)

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