The 3rd Age

Bodies Stay Sub-mod Compilation

Bodies Stay Sub-mod Compilation

These are several submods, which make bodies stay.

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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The Lost Kingdom Beta 0.2

Mod for Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

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Category: Archived Mods
Created: Wednesday April 15, 2009 - 7:48
Updated: Saturday August 28, 2010 - 14:29
Views: 11127
Summary: TLK is a mod that adds the Arnor faction, and a brand new CaH Class


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2 votes

Lord of The Rings Battle For Middle-Earth II: The Lost Kingdom - is a mod that adds
The Arnor Faction,
Brand New CaH Class - Men of Arnor - Dunedain Ranger,
Fire Arrows For Archers
Forged Blades and Heavy Armor for Soldiers, they didnt have it before... the fx atleast
That's it for now

Later on updates:
Another MoA type - Descendant of Elendil
Grond for Mordor
Capture Flags
New Equipment For Dunedain Ranger

Links / Downloads

The Lost Kingdom Download2454April 15, 2009 - 8:02




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Gil-garador - Tuesday July 6, 2010 - 9:52

can i get some help here i cant play the game. i have the 2.1 patch in the game is that a problem or??? please i realy want to play the arnor faction and can u play them in the wotr to please say so contakt me please im dieing to play this mod

NAMEK - Wednesday March 17, 2010 - 11:21

Hello every one. I have found this site recently and is amazing, the best... But I have a little problem to install the mods. I dont understand some of english terms to install the mod, actualy I'm portuguese. I apreciate any help.....

lotrcrazy - Wednesday June 10, 2009 - 8:28

k but whns it gonna be released becuz sum of us r gettin inpatient?


why dont i help u with dis mod so u cn get on a bit with ur game thingy magigy



Neged - Monday May 18, 2009 - 0:22

Ok, ill stop lying,
even though it's 18th may...
Im having binding troubles... with legs... and with arms
plus i've been working on my 2d dragon ball z game lately... and ...
besides it's hard to work on the project alone...
actually on working 3 projects working alone is REALLY hard... which i am...

lotrcrazy - Sunday May 17, 2009 - 11:41

k thts t'day


wnt me ta join da mod team? i am a gud ideas person n cn edit maps gud i cn also take cool screenshots if ya pen a website?


omg -_- wheres da file! ! ! ! ! !! !! ! !


i really wanna ply dis new beta


omfg u sed file wopuld be in YESTERDAY its now may 17th!!!!!!

Neged - Friday May 15, 2009 - 13:57

I am sorry but i am having some technical difficulties but i will release the game tomorrow at night at the latest

lotrcrazy - Friday May 15, 2009 - 13:25

arvedui cn be revived n argaleb cn


cnt w8 till next beta to hav new cah improvements :)


hurray its may 15 ur 2nd release!!!!


wtf wheres da new file?


u said dat files would be here today well thy aint!!!!

Neged - Friday May 8, 2009 - 0:07

Alright, ill try to do my best, but the arnor heroes cant be revived except damrod... i will try to fix that before the next version but i do not think it will be fixed...
as for the animation of the Dunedain ranger... i might be able to fix it... and for the portraits they will be certainly made

FNFAL - Wednesday May 6, 2009 - 17:23

I like the new arnor faction. it is complete. however. you should use pictures of arnor military units in military structures when they are selected ( you are using Motw military unit pictures to represent arnor's units. I addition to this, isildur for example, does not have his hero picture when you select him. pls make sure that all of arnor's heroes have their hero pictures when they are selected. I like the new Dunedain ranger CAH class. but however, his cape looks like it is just floating away from his body. pls try to make the cape flow more maturally and attached to his back. In addition to this, you need to change his base clothing so that it is distinct from that of the elven CAH class.(make him look more like an in game 'Dunedain ranger' with out a hoodie).Do not get the feeling that I am complaining a lot. I like this mod. I have the mod. the things I pointed out are things that you may need to take into consideration when completing the final mod in order to give it an authentic arnor feeling. I wish you the best and congratulations on all your hard work so far.

lotrcrazy - Wednesday May 6, 2009 - 12:08

k keep up gud work :)


u should put a website dude :)

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