The 3rd Age

Battles of Gondor, the War in the South

Battles of Gondor, the War in the South

Converts BfME2 RotWK to the war in the south, bettween the armys of Gondor and Mordor. 4.0 released.

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The Two Towers - 2vs4

Download for Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2

Avatar of HERRvonR0HAN


Category: Maps
Created: Monday April 20, 2009 - 11:49
Updated: Saturday August 28, 2010 - 13:57
Views: 12395
Summary: --> 2 vs 4 player fortress / siege map <--


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1 vote

* The Two Towers - 2vs4 *

This is a new kind of siege map: 4 attackers are in the middle of the map, and the defending players seem to be isolated as each of them has his own fortress in the opposed corner. But still they can help each other, using the underground tunnel system which was built a long time ago with help from the Dwarfs. As the two forts are separated, team play is very important, and not only for the defending team!

I hope you will like this map & vote & comment ;-)


Links / Downloads

The Two Towers - 2vs44640April 20, 2009 - 11:50


HERRvonR0HANeverything ^^


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Sauron's eyes and ears - Saturday October 1, 2011 - 10:46

Good, but to improve I sugest making AI use the tunnel system to.
Have you thought about an evil version?

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