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Mercenaries mod

Mod for Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of Grim


Category: Archived Mods
Created: Sunday June 28, 2009 - 19:53
Updated: Sunday June 28, 2009 - 19:57
Views: 10367
Summary: A new faction called the Mercenaries has been added to the game!


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3 votes

Version: Alpla1.0

I've been developing this mod lately (winter 2006-2007) for BFME2 RoTWK, inspired by the features I disliked in BFME2 and by some others I liked or wanted to improve/play with like the Create a Hero.
Keep in mind I worked a lot on this, but it is still in an early stage of progress. Many things aren't implemented or balanced, like science tree, buildtime and buildcost, bonuses, artwork...
At this time I put my work here for the curious, those who are looking for a finished product, don't stay.

This mod adds a new faction called the mercenaries, which differs from the others by not having any production sites, because they fight for someone who pays them (imagine your own story for the who), there are bounties on enemies heads.
For that, they have very customizable heroes and hordes, many mounts and siege machines.
The mod is meant to be played in skirmish (at this time), and even if you can play any faction, it is recommended to play Mercenaries, and not to let AI play it (AI not coded for Mercenaries).


General Gameplay Changes:
-Ranged projectiles revisited: precision lowered, arrows visible, siege projectiles bounce...
-Structures aren't destroyable by infantry/cavalry (AI won't try to)
-Buildings are capturable/garrisonable

*Tavern: Recruit champions, heroes and hordes there. Can replenish and heal nearby hordes
*Stables: Buy any kind of mount and monster here
*Forge: Change/buy stuff for your units here. Many upgrades are available for heroes and hordes here.
*Workshop: Buy siege machines here; war chariots, catapults, and else

-Hordes: Very customizable, come with random stuff you can change at the Forge. Units in horde can heal, but not respawn. You need to go to the tavern for that, or a mage with staff of Healing

-Heroes: Best fighters of the hordes populations, they have the same upgrades, and some unique abilities. You can use them on mounts or machines
*Amongst them, wizards, which powers depend on their staff. (have a look at them, some new things there) Later, powers will be limited by their level too.

-Champions: Good individual fighters, with only one weapon and armor upgrade. Usually with a ranged and a melee weapon. They are good to mount, equip siege machines or for tactics, according to their special abilities.

-Mounts: From the wolf to the dragon, you can mount them all, with a soldier, or many. Some of them can be mounted by a Houda (buildable at the workshop), that can contain several soldiers. They are used as crew for several siege machines too. The more you have on a machine, the faster it will go.

-Siege machines:
*Carts/chariots: They need cavalry crew to move and champions/heroes to fight.
*Siege weapons: they need cavalry crew to move, and champion/hero to shoot
*Static Siege Weapons: You need to mount them on monstes or carts/chariots to reveal their power: mobile artillery
*Mine: Can be mounted on a cart and moved near ennemy forced for a big BOOM.

How to install?
First, retrieve the mod archive in the link below.
There is no installer at this time, the compressed archive just contains the mod files.
To install the mod, you need to unzip the archive "" you just downloaded on one of your hard drives, no matter where, but keep it in mind.
Then you have to make a link to launch the mod.
The easiest is to copy your BFME2 RoTWK desktop link, right click on the copied link, go in "proprieties" and in the field "Target", add "-mod <Drive>:\<mod path>", without the quotes.
Example of Target: "C:\program files\BFME2 RoTWK\LotrBFMe2Ep1.exe" -mod "C:\My Games\Grim_Mercenaries_mod"
In this example, respect the quotes.
Now, you can change the new link name with something you prefer, and then you just need to launch the game+mod with it.

Have fun!

Links / Downloads

Mercenaries mod2108June 28, 2009 - 19:56
Forums1548June 28, 2009 - 19:56

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