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Lone Wolf Mapping features

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME

Avatar of Radspakr Wolfbane

Radspakr Wolfbane

Category: Worldbuilder
Level: Beginner
Created: Tuesday June 30, 2009 - 9:17
Updated: Saturday February 27, 2010 - 6:20
Views: 4801
Summary: A short introduction to the mapping additions for Lone Wolf Mod


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A short guide to the Lone Wolf mapping resources

This was created to be a guide to help people use the mapping resources added in Lone Wolf Mod.
This is not a tutorial teaching how to map but merely something to help you find some of things added.

Added in Lone Wolf Mod is a wide array of new textures,props and terrain objects like Trees and Grasses.

First off I will give a quick run down on the new textures

I have put in many many new textures these Textures are in every type class.
They are all at the top of the list and all start with "LW"
Not all of the textures tile but that is something I'll be working on at a later date.
There is a wide selection of new textures with most being of a higher quality and variety than the EA ones.
Be sure to check out the snow and ice textures.

Next I will cover Trees,Grass etc

Found along with the other trees in ByNativeType->Civilian->Shrubbery
These are spread out.
Most of the ones I have added have LW either at the start of the name or at the end.
You can find just about any type of tree,shrub or grass you could want.
Athelas,Bamboo,Ferns,Lily pads,Grasses,Flowering Trees,Snow capped trees.
You will even find trees of Mallorn and Lebethron.
Not all trees are final versions like the Willows but they will be updated later on.

There are large Grass clumps available these can be great for creating thick grass.
While using them be mindful of Lag so don't overuse,they look better when used in groups and slightly overlapping.

Later on I will add new Rock types as well.

Next are props
There quiet a few props like Houses,bridges and statues that have been added most can be found at
More will be added later.

Next we have the new critters they can be found under
You can find new Foxes,Bears,Aurochs,Birds,Badgers and Lynx
These add a nice touch to maps so be sure to use them.

New Ambient sound effects
New Ambient Sounds have been added to give a wider variety to maps.
These can be found at the bottom of the list.
Included are new Wind sounds,Jungles and Coastal sounds.
On top of that you can attach new sound effects to objects like Seagulls.

Finally we have the Emitters
The Emitters are objects I created to add effect to maps.
These emitters are things like Fog Clouds,Heat Vapours,Falling Leaves,Pollen Clouds,Bees,Butterflies,Thistle Seeds,Fireflies and even birds.
These are great to put into a map to spice it up.
These can be a little lag intensive if overused.
I am looking into making Lod versions.

I have also created a few "camera buggies" that act as dummy objects that cameras can follow and can follow paths.
There a few different versions with different speeds and settings.
I created these because I had difficulty in working cameras.
These can be found along with the Emitters.

And if all that wasn't enough I have included a weather system,snow,rain and I'm working on Skyboxes.
In the future I will have a new daylight system though that is under wraps.

In a sort of update.
For beta 0.4 there will be even more terrain textures being added,as well some new FX emitters.

Links / Downloads

M@tt's Mapping Tutorial1546June 30, 2009 - 9:20

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