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Ghosts of Arnor v0.35

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Saved Games Crash & Settings Reset Bug

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME, Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of Nazgûl


Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Saturday October 31, 2009 - 9:08
Updated: Saturday October 31, 2009 - 9:16
Views: 9786
Summary: Major bug fixing, by easy INI restructuring :)


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4 votes

Here's some good new for all modders!
Since I solved the SGC I also tracked down the SRB!

SRB = Settings Reset Bug: The settings for graphics are reset to a lower value upon each new game!
SGC = Saved Games Crash: The game crash (hangs) when loading a saved game 100%!
(I had to name them, hehe)

The solution to BOTH is (with the -mod command):

1) Make sure you have gamedata.ini directly inside data/ini and NOT in subfolder data/ini/object! The reason for having gamedata.ini inside that folder is because Robnkarla found out that if it was not, you'd get the SRB. However, by placing gamedata here, you also risk having the SGC.

2) ALL the mirrored macros from gamedata.ini (that are now using the "M_" in each macro, should be in water.ini inside data/ini/default just as the -mod command method prescribes, (OR as I did in SEE, within INC files in another folder inside data/ini/default named "balance_modname", refered to from water.ini)! If the gamedata.ini contains any of the original macros (that should not be read), the game will aparently read them upon loading a saved game and the conflict cause the SGC.

3) The "actual" -GAMEDATA- (headline) section of the gamedata.ini (everything in the bottom except all macros above) should be the ONLY thing inside the new gamedata.ini in your mod. Should you keep any macro here, the SGC will happen when trying to load a saved game!

4) You also have to have an additional ini preferably called camerasettings.ini or something like that, inside data/ini/object! Otherwise the game will NOT read your camera settings, as it skips that part in your new gamedata.ini and uses the default game settings for camera instead. (And don't worry about double codes - the engine (in this case) ignores the camera settings inside your new gamedata.ini).

- Assuring you have no macros outside the water.ini (or refered ICS files) will cure the SGC!
- By having the gamedata.ini in the original location, the engine will read it after the original game and there won't be any SRB!
- And with the extra ini for camerasettings the engine will also read those, so you'l keep any edits in zoom, etc!

Voila! You'll no longer have any "Saved Games Bug" crashes, nor any "Settings Reset Bug" upon each new game AND you'll have the game read your camera settings (zoom etc)! =)

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The story in SEE News...1625October 31, 2009 - 9:15

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