The 3rd Age

Fin's LOTR Expansion

Fin's LOTR Expansion

A mod that adds Rohan to the game, and strives to bring back some BFME I fun!

Button for The 3rd AgeButton for The Dwarf HoldsButton for The Elven AllianceButton for Helm's Deep Last HopeButton for GothmogtheOrcButton for BFME+Button for The Four AgesButton for HDR HeadquartersButton for Middle Earth CenterButton for Project Perfect Mod

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JUS_SAURON - The Power Of The Ring

Mod for Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2

Avatar of JUS_SAURON


Category: Finished Mods
Created: Saturday November 21, 2009 - 18:19
Updated: Sunday October 15, 2017 - 19:58
Views: 29742
Summary: New Powers , Heroes and Units for all Factions


Staff says


Members say




6 votes

This is using the -mod command
It is for BFME2 ver. 1.06


It comes with the Large Scale LOTR Map

Special Credits : Mounted Aragorn and Boromir Models: xxx

It contains New powers .New units , New Buildings

Some New Powers - Gandalf Shield Bubble

WitchKing - Summon 3 Fellbeasts

Saruman - Transform into an Orb of Fire

Elrond- Transfrom into an Orb Of Light

Balrog and Gollum playable - with New Powers

New Ring Powers for Ring Heroes

Gothmog playable and has mounted power

Gothmog Has Call of the Herd

Aragorn / Boromir mounted on a horse or on foot

Hobbits playable with enhanced powers

Treebeard powers enhanced .. Hobbits ride Treebeard

New Rohan Fortress , Theoden can Draft Peasants

New Numenorean Knights and Archers !

Special Faction units enhanced

Battle Wagon can Garrison Heroes

Nazguls on Foot , Horse , Fellbeast , RingWraith Forms !

New Plague of Death power for Mouth Of Sauron

Real Growing Forests when playing with Elves

Added Avalanche and Frozen Land Spells For Isengard

Haradrim Mini-Faction upgraded

Erupting Volcano for Mount Doom : LOTR Map

New powerful Statues

!!! All Factions Enhanced !!!

***More Stuff than in Rise Of the Phoenix***

ADDED : BFME1 Style gameplay for TWO maps , more maps to follow !

I will always Reset the HITS COUNT whenever an update is made :
Minor Updates will follow as Ideas are Coded
If Download is FAULTY , Please RE-DOWNLOAD !

Major TESTING is Finished !


Latest ver Update : 15 OCT 2017

Links / Downloads

Download1562October 15, 2017 - 19:57
Isengard and Helm's Deep Skirmish Maps4448September 19, 2010 - 19:06
Pics of Mod amd Map3616January 30, 2010 - 7:14
List of some new powers2634January 16, 2010 - 22:25
Palantir Movies For mod2761January 15, 2010 - 22:20
Showcase Forum2983November 21, 2009 - 18:25


Display order: Newest first

2smv - Thursday January 28, 2021 - 5:34

I know this mod is old, but can you please update it to some of the newer patches because I want to have widescreen support. I just put this game on my windows 10 pc because I remember how cool the units and abilities were in this mod. I have and remember it, but the zoom is too close to the map where I can't see much of the units as needed. Plus, the newer patches have this feature of widescreen. I would hate to stop using this mod just because of the zoom level of the map. I am not sure how much work would go into updating. But, since you have made this great mod with Sauron, witch-king, Mordor and especially having lots of abilities with special fx, what about updating with widescreen support so those units can all be seen? I am sure the other people would want this too since you got a rating of a 4 out of 5 I'm guessing. What do you say, JUS_SAURON? You up for the challenge?

robbiedizzle - Wednesday May 11, 2011 - 7:08

while your facts are true, go to the showcase forum and tell us how based on powers you came to this conclusion. Thanks

Incánus - Thursday May 5, 2011 - 2:04

Awsum mod!but there is one problem..Why is gandlf weaker than the witch king. Gandalf is a Maia and on the same level as Sauron..So he should be more powerful! it would also be kewl if he could mount an eagle like Gwahir the wind lord just like he does in the books..

JUS_SAURON - Monday April 25, 2011 - 17:20

BFME2 must be patched to ver 1.06
Get acquainted with using the -mod command
See the PIC for install problems
Copy the folder named MOD found in the Download to the Desktop
Copy the BFME2 shortcut Icon , then modify the Target in the properties

terfmop - Tuesday April 12, 2011 - 17:47

I've tried installing three times now and it doesnt work all the way it only edits a couple of things but none of the hero powers work and a couple of other things arnt changed but says they are. did i just do somthing wrong?


I've tried installing three times now and it doesnt work all the way it only edits a couple of things but none of the hero powers work and a couple of other things arnt changed but says they are. did i just do somthing wrong?

JUS_SAURON - Saturday October 16, 2010 - 10:59

You need to Follow the Install Directions
Unzip the File
Extract the MOD Folder to your Desktop
Copy the BFME2 Game Icon , click on properties and change the Target -mod"C:\Users\YOURCOMPNAME\Desktop\MOD"

Haroon - Monday October 11, 2010 - 15:18

I tried creating the shortcut but it didnt work, the game was just the same as the original version. I then tried manually inserting it into the BMFE2 folder and when i ran the launcher i got parse errors


Can anyone help me with the installation?

Elric - Monday October 4, 2010 - 17:11

huh lol i like your mod allot but it got messed up when i reinstalled game so now i have to download it again lol

JUS_SAURON - Monday January 11, 2010 - 17:36

Mod can work with any BFME2 ..must be patched to 1.06
Tested by a Forum member ..see Showcase Forum

yams in a can - Saturday December 12, 2009 - 9:08

Please tell me that I don't need the Collector's Edition...

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