The 3rd Age

From Book to Game

From Book to Game

Lord of the Rings , Quenta Silmarillion, Dunedain, The Hobbit and Westernesse

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Defend The Citadel by Spartan184

Download for Battle for Middle-earth BFME

Avatar of Spartan184


Category: Maps
Created: Sunday December 27, 2009 - 16:13
Updated: Saturday November 6, 2010 - 20:33
Views: 13241
Summary: You have 5 heroes and you have to defend the citadels from enemy


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2 votes

5 Player map
1 Ai player at top and 4 human players at bottom.
You each get 2 heroes except for first player.
1 player : Boromir, Faramir, and Lurtz.
2 player : Gimli and Haldir
3 player : Legolas and Aragorn
4 player : Gandalf and Saruman
5 player : AI

This map has a map.ini done by me :D
Every player starts off with 1 archer batt and 1 archer and swordsman combo.
There are 2 wells in the map.
Make sure your citadel doesn't die or you lose the game.
There is a total of 20-30 waves I think :P Maybe less
Every hero has at least 1 new power.

Links / Downloads

Download4456December 27, 2009 - 16:18


Map and Map.iniSpartan184
Theres credits in the map.ini for those who deserve it.
Some beta testersRing of Fate, SDKwen and a few others.

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