The 3rd Age

Gladiator Heroes

Gladiator Heroes

6 heroes are remade with powerful new spells

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Age of Arnor

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Category: Finished Mods
Created: Thursday April 22, 2010 - 16:21
Updated: Sunday January 1, 2012 - 20:59
Views: 16665
Summary: Fight as Arnor with new units and skins


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2 votes

This mod is a mod for ROTWK and for the most part a code mod. It allows you to play as Arnor which replaces men. It takes out Dwarves and Mordor because of no known impact in Arnor. There are no hero units for Arnor, but I have drawn a concept of it. It has made Cardolani units the early infantry, Arthedain Units Middle, and Elven Units Mid-late game units. Hope you enjoy!

More info to come later

Rate and comment!
Oh and dont forget suggestions!

This mod is officially finished. If I do any work, it will be very little. Thanks for the rates and the downloads.


Links / Downloads

Age of Arnor Version 0.82532September 7, 2010 - 13:23
Hosted forums for the mod1719April 22, 2010 - 16:26


Brips (Total War Center) for Argeleb War Horn Sounds.
Ouranos for all the Arnor Models.
Rj-ROTWK for giving me a ton of original ideas.
Clint Mansell for the great song Requiem for a Dream
GFire for some of the button images
Everyone that has helped me on T3A
Everyone that has supported me on Chimerical Creative Base (CCB)
EA for making the game ofcourse
The Edain mod for their Arvedui skin


Display order: Newest first

drogoth232 - Wednesday September 22, 2010 - 13:51

I WANT Kaboom to hurt the players units. Its a cost for such a powerfull move.

It was my choice to take them out. Seeing as its based on the Age of Arnor and not anything else, it only has those three factions.

PS: I know how to mod my friend :P (Modding for about 2-3 years now) so yeah dont worry about me.

BigBrainiac - Tuesday September 21, 2010 - 16:58

Pretty good mod, but could use a bit of work (its a beta :P).

If you want to make it so then Arveleg's palantir smash doesn't kill everything, change the weapon's code to effect to not hurt allies (the weapon is called ArvelegKABOOM)

Change the code from:




    RadiusDamageAffects = ENEMIES NEUTRALS ;SELF

Make the vanilla factions playable... I miss them


Ok... I'm new-ish to modding (this is my 2nd month :P (I am already making guides XD)), but I'm finding out many things.

No problem if you don't take my advice, It's your mod and I will respect that.

Good luck bro. :)

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