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Retake Weathertop

Download for Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of Sauhron


Category: Maps
Created: Saturday June 5, 2010 - 3:37
Updated: Saturday June 5, 2010 - 5:01
Views: 6573
Summary: A single player map where you retake Weathertop from the forces of darkness.


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1 vote

This map is a singleplayer map based on the Lotro quest: Retake Weathertop.

You must choose your Cah, (and I recommend you to take your best one.) You will be your Cah, and as the game proceeds, you will have 5 dunedain battalions, and another hero, their chieftain Candaith.

Then you will fight orcs and goblins while you climb the hill up. The enemy has three bosses, and the last two have powerfull "pets".

(The heroes are slightly modified with map ini.)

I have done my best with the hill, I hope you like the texturing and scripting. :)

Note: You should play as men and player 2 with isengard, just to make sure it works.

Enjoy, and post any criticism!

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Retake Weathertop2576June 5, 2010 - 3:39


Sauhron -Maker


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Sauhron - Monday June 7, 2010 - 15:13

Mae govannen and thanks for the criticism. :)
I learned many new, and old things when making this map. :)
It was good to start mapping again after a long break with Bfme.
Maybe I was too lazy and didn't focus on the actual map enough when scripting and fighting with my ini file. I though about making a giant army that would attack the hill after the orcs where killed, but I intended this to be a small skirmish for Weathertop at the start of the war. :/ Anyway I hope you'll like my next map, Dol Guldur.

Puzzler33 - Sunday June 6, 2010 - 12:43

Nice map. I had to push up the brightness setting because you had the ambient lighting on Night and everything was hard to see. I think on the whole it was good but I voted 'ok' because you didn't use ambushes and generally the map was a little easy because you were walking into everything and the course of the mission was quite simple: you joined up with the captain and you spiraled round the hill killing everything. I was just thinking that you could have blocked routes, ambushes (as I said), reinforcements, perhaps a small group of units which were missing after trying to conquer the hill a while earlier, and you could have made it a little harder. In terms of the actual hill, the steepness of the path in places was quite extreme and the texturing wasn't bad but perhaps could have been better (I won't give a detailed analysis because tbh it was good enough and I don't want to seem too picky).

Anyway it was an enjoyable short mission and good luck with any future maps you do. I gather you created a few heroes for this map which was quite cool.

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