The 3rd Age

Last Alliance Battle Mod

Last Alliance Battle Mod

The final battle between the Alliance of Men and Elves and Mordor.

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River Pass

Avatar of watsupcuz


Category: Maps
Created: Monday March 26, 2007 - 2:06
Updated: Tuesday April 3, 2007 - 18:23
Views: 8667
Summary: A wooded grassland with a river 1v1


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5 votes

I 1v1 map for bfme 2. It has 2 signal fires and 2 outposts. Warg and troll lairs are on the map.

The river pass is a wooded grassland with a river running between it, it provides one of the few ways to cross this river.

This is my 3rd map that i made a while back, you may have seen it if you ever go to in the worldbuilder section.

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River Pass + other maps2971March 26, 2007 - 2:20


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JEV3 - Tuesday April 3, 2007 - 17:30

I would like to remind you that any maps compatible with BFME2, are also compatible with RotWK, but not the other way around...

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