The 3rd Age

The Rhovanion Alliance

The Rhovanion Alliance

A most anticipated mod that adds 4 new factions as well as editing the old ones

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Adding heroes to your new faction... Easy Peasy

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Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Saturday October 30, 2010 - 7:07
Updated: Saturday October 30, 2010 - 7:34
Views: 7097
Summary: Adding new or existing heroes to your new faction or one of the games's existing factions


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4 votes

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This is my first tutorial so dont be too harsh!!!

I always get bored when reading long winded articles so ill try to keep it short.

Adding heroes to your faction is one of the easiest parts of modding. For this tutorial we will add Aragorn to Elves.

Page 1 - Introduction
Page 2 - Bfme 2 Rotwk

If you get a failure when testing your mod, always read the message that pops up and find your faults using that.



Dark_Lord's_Modder; Everything


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clank234 - Saturday November 27, 2010 - 17:05

gd but u forgot 1 thing, u need to add an extra revive slot to the fortress or else u wont see him until u buy a hero ;)

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