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LW Map - Old Forest Road West

Avatar of Radspakr Wolfbane

Radspakr Wolfbane

Category: Maps
Created: Wednesday November 3, 2010 - 7:34
Updated: Wednesday November 3, 2010 - 7:36
Views: 6053
Summary: A WIP map set in Western Mirkwood along the Old Road. - Lone Wolf 0.37 only


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A map I've been working on in my spare time.
This map is a 2 player Castle map set in Mirkwood.
It has a lot of vegetation so is great for Stealth combat.
It has various Watchtower plots and 2 Outposts at opposite corners.
This map has 3 main routes the Centre direct route that cuts right through the middle to the other person's base,or the Left and Right routes going through the forest.

Each route has it's advantages and disadvantages the centre route has small cliffs lining the path from which Archers could harass the enemy,the path is also fairly narrow.
The Left and Right routes are longer but have access to creeps,outposts.
The map is mirrored so each player has access to the same things.

This map is still a work in progress as I'll be fine tuning and adding more character to this map.
So report any issues you find to me.

Remember:This map is only compatible with Lone Wolf Beta 0.37.
0.35 should also work.

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Old Forest Road West - Lone Wolf 0.37 map2136November 3, 2010 - 7:36

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