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Mountains of Numenor

Download for Battle for Middle-earth BFME

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Category: Maps
Created: Friday December 24, 2010 - 15:28
Updated: Friday December 24, 2010 - 18:01
Views: 10411
Summary: A unique 2vs2 map that is fun to play.


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2 votes

Its a map based off of Forostar, the northern rocky peninsula of Numenor. It consist of 2 small mountain ranges, a River, 2 expansions, and 10 settlements. Its an even map and its fun to play with friends. No paths for computers though, so if you want to do a comp stomp you are welcome to edit it at any time.

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Mountains of Numenor3850December 24, 2010 - 18:00


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_Haldir_ (Team Chamber Member) - Friday December 31, 2010 - 20:16

For your first map, this really is quite good. Some of the texturing is lovely, it's great to see you've taken the time to try and texture it well. The layout is balanced and interesting, and the mini-map looks professional.

Some parts could use some improvement though. The river could use some redoing, as well as a few choices of texture that don't quite fit. And i'd probably like to see some more rocks and trees scattered throughout the rest of the map, rather than isolated patches. Check out a few of the tutorials in the Worldbuilder Articles section, which will help you with a few things.

Overall though, a good effort. Definitely better than a lot of the other first maps that get uploaded. Keep at it :)

MountedSoldier - Friday December 24, 2010 - 18:00

Please comment and rate my map. Its the first map I have made and some creative criticism would be nice

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