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Getting Started with .Big Files

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME, Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of Hostile


Category: Code
Level: Beginner
Created: Monday March 26, 2007 - 11:13
Updated: Saturday June 27, 2009 - 18:53
Views: 11405
Summary: Files to edit and where they are located


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7 votes

The purpose of this tutorial will be to show what files you need to edit, how to edit them, and where these files are located.

The first thing you will need is to download a BIG editor. I have provided two in the Downloads section of this site. Final Big Editor and XCC Mixer. Once you have downloaded it you will open the program and load the big file you would like to extract.

After the BIG file is opened, you will see a list of all the files on the left (FinalBig) You may highlight one file and extract it or I recommend extracting the entire BIG file. This will make getting your files to work ingame much easier as you can then remove the whole BIG file after.

As long as you extract the entire BIG file to the root folder than the BIG file will automatically place the correct files into the correct place. It is designed to be extracted to the root game folder. You may also save an edited INI file back into a BIG file if you choose.

All BIG files are located in the root game folder.

1) Audio.big - Contains all the sounds FX used within BFME
2) Bases.big - Defines the bases of the factions.
3) Data.big - Defines the scripts and script events used ingame. Cannot be edited without screwing up the game.
4) English.big - Defines button keystrokes, contains the CSF file, and TOS. Among other language based things.
5) EnglishAudio.big - Contains the voices for units and action ingame.
6) INI.big - This contains all the ini files used to define the parameters used by the game.
7) Libraries.big - This defines a good portion of how the AI behaves on the player maps and campaigns.
8) Maps.big - Extract this file to be able to open up the campaign maps in World Builder. Good for learning map making.
9) Music.big - Contains all the music tracks played in the background of the game.
10) Terrain.big - Contains all the image files for the various types of terrain you can paint onto maps.
11) Textures.big - Contains countless skins, cameos, and general artwork used within the game.
12) W3D.big - Contains all the models used thoughout the game.
13) Window.big - Contains the setup for how all the windows are presented and what files they use thoughout the game


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Bart (Administrator) - Wednesday July 4, 2007 - 14:03

that is not in the scope of this tutorial, go to the forum for those questions :-)

kalecx - Wednesday July 4, 2007 - 12:55

not bad of a guide. im having trouble changing hero's build cost like theoden and gandalf still. i cant find the code in bfme2

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