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Dimrill dale & SouTH lothlorien

Download for Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

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Category: Maps
Created: Tuesday June 21, 2011 - 0:54
Updated: Sunday December 11, 2011 - 14:09
Views: 8365
Summary: Eastern entrance to Moria and western Border of lothlorien (dimrill dale)


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1 vote

Eastern entrance to Moria and western Border of lothlorien. Best played multiplayer but can also be fun against brutal AI goblins v elves elves top right goblins bottem left defend as the elves for a short wile and the goblins will get harder over time eventurly making it a challenge.

South lothlorien is a 2v2 map which i tryed my best to make it even but also not a have a mirrored look.

Plz coment on the bad or good things about either maps plz so i know what i need inprove of for furture maps.

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south lothlorien2544December 11, 2011 - 14:08
Dimrill dale2496June 21, 2011 - 0:57



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_Haldir_ (Team Chamber Member) - Friday November 25, 2011 - 2:32

Caras Galdhon wasn't that great really. It needs way more textures, plus objects like rocks, shrubs and animals. And Caras Galadhon wasn't a walled fortress, like you've seemed to have made. I don't think that the elven walls you have really suit the map very well. Especially as there's a huge gap in the trees outside the wall. Have a look at the BFME2 Lothlorien map, for an idea of what Caras Galadhon would be like.

Dimrill Dale was better, the layout was pretty interesting and there was better use of objects and things. The texturing could maybe be improved, as well as the cliffy terrain that borders the forest. And i'd say a bit more rubble and objects around the dwarven side would be much better, as it's all very clean and undamaged at the moment - not what you'd expect from Moria.

matherz4 - Wednesday June 22, 2011 - 2:51

plz can someone give me a comment plz.

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