The 3rd Age

MasterHero Mod 1.9

MasterHero Mod 1.9

Enhances Visuals, provide series of modifications and additions to the game play, support WOR

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Men's Knives

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Category: Dead Mods
Created: Wednesday August 3, 2011 - 7:55
Updated: Monday October 24, 2011 - 14:07
Views: 5381
Summary: Good mod in BFME2?With more Factions? and its coming? It's MEN'S KNIVES!


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2 votes

This will be a mod wich will make the game more realistic.
We shall add the factions of Harad,Rhun,Rohan and we shall change the Faction of Men to Gondor (with a bit more changes) and we might add Eriador and Arnor...
We are also working on Mordor...

Each Faction's Statistics are
Gondor 95%
Harad 5%
Rhun 5%
Dwarves 95%
Mordor 50%
Rohan 0%
Goblins 80%
Isengard 100%
/Angmar\ 100% (We might not add Angmar)
/Arnor\ 20% (We might not add Arnor)
/Eriador\ 0% (We might not add Eriador)

Modding Statistics are
Moddeling 0%
Programming 15%
Others 25% (Drawing,Skinning Histori and Voices)

Now we are working on Mines and Caves of Goblins and Dwarves...They would have a bit changes...
Also we are going to change the tower of Mordor and The stables of Gondor(Men)
Also we will make a new Fortress for Harad and Rhun and some new buildings.
We will have some ideas from The Third age mod in Medival2 as the buildings of Rhun and Harad!
We will also create a new website if everythings will be ok and a Beta version of this mod I think would be released the later the incoming Winter.
Beta version should be released when the Modding statistics are all at least to 50%.

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Join us on Facebook!1412August 25, 2011 - 2:37
Moddb Account1778August 25, 2011 - 1:10


This will be a mod wich will make the game more realistic...
We shall add the factions of Harad,Rhun,Rohan and we shall change the faction of Men to Gondor...
And we shall make alot more changes... We might add more factions...


Display order: Newest first

Tar--Elendil - Friday October 21, 2011 - 18:30

hope you add arnor

Georgios - Sunday August 14, 2011 - 9:02

When modells are ready there will be pics

Unknown - Saturday August 13, 2011 - 15:41

Is there a possibility of any pics? :p

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