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Monthly Modder Interview - Kwen Nov 09

Tutorial for Battle for Middle-earth BFME, Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

Avatar of Radspakr Wolfbane

Radspakr Wolfbane

Category: Other
Level: N/A
Created: Tuesday September 27, 2011 - 8:01
Updated: Tuesday September 27, 2011 - 8:01
Views: 3044
Summary: The monthly interview from November 09 interviewing Kwen


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Welcome all to the delayed November Monthly Modder interview.

This month I interviewed SDK Kwen the man behind Massive Middle-Earth (MME for short).

Radspakr:How did you start off in modding?

SDK Kwen:Thats quite a story indeed... But I suppose to cram the whole thing into a few words it would be from playing bfme online. I met a guy who downloaded and played mods, and he showed me the place. Then I decided it was my "destiny" to attempt to create mods myself.
So, I found T3A, and here we are. 4 years later.

Radspakr:What do you hope to achieve with MME?

SDK Kwen:MME has always been how I envisioned the game should be. I hope to re-create the game in a realistic and fun way by incorperating my ideas in a similar way to EA. So the additions feel like they belong.
Elves are my dream, so naturally they deserve my own personal design.

Radspakr:How goes work on MME?

SDK Kwen:Well MME has had a very bumpy past, but I feel safe in saying that the majority of the remaining work is down to the tedious bug fixes. The graphic art is nearly done savor a few tweaks in models and such. The mod has finally reach the home stretch.

Radspakr:What's the worst part of modding for you?

SDK Kwen:Worst...? I would have to say the inspiration. It takes a lot of devotion to continue putting out stuff for a mod that one does not have any desire to do. When I'm not in a LOTR mood, it is very difficult to gather up the will to crack open the code.

Radspakr:If there's one thing you could change about T3A what would it be?

SDK Kwen:It's not so much something that could be changed. I simply miss the community in it's past. The people that inhabit T3A now have changed so much, and have become less close I feel. I miss and wish to re-live the "glory days" of the past.

Radspakr:If you were to describe MME to a non follower how would you describe it and what would be your selling point?

SDK Kwen:The vision of BFME is to re-create the movies in a largescale rts style game. MME brings it one step further by incorperating the missing aspects in the already existing game. I plan to expand the 4 existing factions with new units, heroes, strategies, and gameplay. Also adding the Elves faction as I envision it while still retaining the "movie" atmosphere by creating the units and heroes to resemble those seen in the movies.

Radspakr:When modding what do you like usually have in the background?

SDK Kwen:Ha, I have to have my music. I always have it playing. I also enjoy having the TV on to watch while working. I have a hard time focusing on just modding, I need to multitask.

Radspakr:Anything you'd like to say to the people?

SDK Kwen:My life is very up and down, so bear with me through my periodic absenses and lack of productivity. I will never give up my dream of making MME a reality, even if it seems nothing is happening. Give me time, and I will produce results. Keep on supporting!

I would like to thank Kwen for agreeing to do the interview and I hope you all look forward to next month's interview.


Radspakr WolfbaneInterviewer

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