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The Basics - Command Buttons and Command Sets Written by: Hostile The purpose of this tutorial is to go step by step on explaining the differant command buttons, they're functions, and how they work. We will than compile these command buttons into commandsets. Command buttons are the buttons you can click into during the game to accomplish such things as buy units, purchase upgrades, purchase spells, and activate spells. Commandsets are the list of buttons avaliable for each unit or structure to tell it what functions it can activate. Before embarking on this challenge of learning about command buttons and commandsets, I suggest you read the beginner tutorials so that you know how to extract the INI's and use your edited INI's. They can be found at the following page Getting Started All the tools you need to add your edit your INI files can also be found at The 3rd Age website (http://the3rdage.net) along with the other tutorials. So, let's get started. Open up you commandbutton.ini file. I have chosen this example to start with:
Each button must have a unique name. So as you add new buttons to your commandbutton.ini remember this. The second line, Command, tells the computer what function this button will have. I've compiled a list of proper commands allowed in the game. Some of these commands are hardcoded and may not need to be added to a commandset as they are built into the game.
There is no way I can possibly take the time or research to tell you what ever command type does. It should be self explanitory for most though. I'll start with UNIT_BUILD first and touch on a few others along the way.
This second line of the above command button tells the computer what object should be built as a result of this button.
The third line tells us that this choice can be canceled if we choose. Not needed if you do not want the option to be undone.
The fourth line describes the CSF entry (the text) that will show up to describe what the button does.
The fifth line tells us what image we should use for the command button ingame.
This gives a unique border color that tells the differance between buildin a unit and upgrading one. There other option also.
When you hover over this button it will give you a description. This is the CSF entry.
Will this button show up in the Palantir? (The circular series of buttons around the portrait)
If you buy more than one a number will show up to tell you how many are in line to be built. That sorta sums up the BUILD_UNIT command button. I'll go into the upgrade button at this point.
This should be self explanatory at this point in the tutorial.
This means the player needs an upgrade to be able to use this button. (Namely you have to purchase this from the armory first)
This is where you tell the computer what upgrade is needed before you can purchase this object upgrade. (This one is purchased from the armory) Here is an example of a SPECIAL_POWER command.
This second line links it directly to the special power it refers to.
This means we are going to be placing this power on the map via a cursor.
Now this tells it when you place it which special power cursor will we be using. When you place the Balrog ingame you notice it has an image on the map to tell you where he's going to show up. We could go on forever talking about the parameters of every single button, but for the sake of space this should give some insight on how they work. Now onto the commandsets. Every object has a commandset. This is the set of buttons that allows us to pick our unit commands.
As you can see, your Gondor Horde can choose to guard, toggle formations, purchase upgrades, and such. Commandsets are found in the commandset.ini file. They are assigned in the object itself under the unit listing of commandset. I hope this answers a few questions regarding commandbuttons and commandsets. Any further questions about this tutorial can be answered by coming to our forums. Credits
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