The 3rd Age

The Battle for Numenor Mod

The Battle for Numenor Mod

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Avatar of Sauron's eyes and ears

Sauron's eyes and ears

Category: Maps
Created: Tuesday October 11, 2011 - 11:48
Updated: Sunday October 23, 2011 - 10:56
Views: 12435
Summary: An Edoras map for BFME II


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2 votes

This is my first map from scratch and is not quite finnised [I have still got to add Gollom for a start] so don't expect it to be near perfect!

This wooden fortress is Edoras, the capital [if only!] city of Rohan home of Theoden, king of Rohan, who lives in the Golden Hall at the top of the hill.

It is under siege from Isangard, command the samll garison of troops or, if you're feling bad, lay siege to Edoras and make the Golden Hall your home!

UPDATED: now more textures, more trees, a quick run over with the fether brush and I have deleted Theoden so you dont have two of them fighting side by side!

(also I have addad an easter-egg for you to find in world builder!)

Links / Downloads

Edoras3532October 23, 2011 - 10:53


Sauron's eyes and ears-mapper


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IANS - Thursday November 22, 2012 - 16:56

Hello I am really new and I have download the map but I don`t know where to install it, so I can use it. Someaone can help me?

Sauron's eyes and ears - Tuesday January 3, 2012 - 11:17

I know about the BFMEI build plots, I put them in because is gives you (and the enemy!) a chance to build small camps inside the fortress without a builder.

I edited the terain in the updated one quite alot I thought, I will have another look at it and vary it more in the next update as well as making it 'feel' more like Edoras from the films.

Thankyou for the tutorials as well, they should help quite a bit.

_Haldir_ (Team Chamber Member) - Friday November 25, 2011 - 1:59

I had a look at the updated one, there's still definitely a lot of room for improvement.

- You need to use way more textures, but also blend them together, not just paint them in odd little patches. There's still only 3-4 textures across the entire map.
- The terrain needs work, as it's mainly flat, and not very realistic in parts where it is raised. The riverbank needs work especially.
- The river tool for BFME2 works by click-dragging points to create 4 corners, then clicking on the sides in between to create different river segements. This is the best BFME2 water tutorial, which should help explain everything:
- More trees, rocks, grass, animals and audio would be good.
- And i'm not sure why, but you seem to have a few BFME1 buildplots on there, despite it being a BFME2 map. This tutorial describes the process for setting up BFME2 maps:

Overall, it's not a terrible effort for a first map, but it really doesn't look or feel anything like Edoras. Have a look at BFME1's Edoras map for some inspiration. Or even just google some images of Edoras in the films.

But don't give up, keep trying. Don't be afraid to start over too, if it helps you get a fresh look on things.

Sauron's eyes and ears - Friday October 28, 2011 - 20:22

that is one of the tutorials I read, it is for BFMEI as well so the river tool is diferent!
I will update as soon as posible as that is the first version that actually works.




any comments on the updated one?

Buffo - Monday October 17, 2011 - 23:21

I've seen worse first maps... but nevertheless this map isn't very good.

-please use more than one texture
-use more than one kind of tree
-smooth your terrain
-learn how to use the river tool correctly

I really recommend you to read some good tutorial.
_Haldir_'s Extended guide to mapping is pretty good (
read it and do what he says and I'm sure that your next map will look way better

Sauron's eyes and ears - Tuesday October 11, 2011 - 11:49

Please rate and comment as this is my first map I have made from scrach and I have some spare time!

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