The 3rd Age



A mod that intends to bring back the fun to BFME1

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The Hobbit

Mod for Battle for Middle-earth BFME, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

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Category: Work In Progress Mods
Created: Thursday December 29, 2011 - 9:59
Updated: Saturday September 15, 2012 - 14:24
Views: 15970
Summary: There and Back Again!


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1 vote

The Hobbit Description:

Take a journey from Shire to Lonely Mountian. With Thorin Company, Bilbo and with one wizard Gandalf the Grey!


Mode include:

New Campaign.
New Maps.
New Factions.
New Spellbooks.
New Heroes.
And much more!



Good campiagn: A journey to Lonely Mountian. Beware of the dangers! Fight your through goblin town! Also watch out for wolves and goblins! Find your way through Mirkwood! Watch out for spiders and forest elves! And kill the dragon Smaug!

Evil campiagn: Destroy all the dwarfs who were in the Moria! Destroy Lothorien! Get a ring for the Dark Lord of Mordor! Destroy the Shire! Destroy all the good!

A campaign feature: A two living worlds, like in mod "The Dwarf Holds"!


Released date: October 2012

More to come!

Links / Downloads

ModDB Link5095September 15, 2012 - 14:24


_FgF_Leader, Mapper, Moddeler


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Sauron-the-Deciever - Wednesday January 4, 2012 - 3:47

Hmm. Seems promising.

You should check this out for inspiration:
Just keep going left

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