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Apt Converter

Download for Battle for Middle-earth BFME, Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2, Battle for Middle-earth II: Rise of the Witch-king ROTWK

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Category: Software
Created: Sunday March 25, 2012 - 16:44
Updated: Sunday April 5, 2015 - 15:14
Views: 5935
Summary: Can convert apt to xml and xml to apt.


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2 votes

The appropriate abstract of the readme

2. Installation:
An Installation is not necessary.
The tool shall be found in the folder "Anwendungen" and can be inserted in any


Just keep the path if you do not frequently work with the prompt and therefore know
how to add paths and so on correctly.

3. Instructions for use:
a) Preface

Open "Run" by pressing the "Windows Key" + "R". Retrieve "Command prompt" (cmd.exe)
by using input "cmd" + "Enter".

Depending on your situation go on with b) or c)

b) Application apt2xml.exe

Put $_.apt and $_.const of the same name into the folder "Anwendungen".
After finihing step a) type "apt2xml.exe" + "$_" (without ending) in the prompt and
press enter for approvment.
After you have done so $_.xml is generated.

c) Application xml2apt.exe

Insert $_.xml in the folder "Anwendungen".
After finihing step a) type "xml2apt.exe" + "$_" (without ending) in the prompt and
press enter for approvment.
After you have done so $_.apt is generated

Links / Downloads

Apt Converter1921March 25, 2012 - 16:44


WilsonProgram the converter for C&C


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Yaroslav - Sunday March 25, 2012 - 17:55

Or may convert from cmd: cd "folder when you wanna convert"
then apt2xml.exe SpellStore.
P.S. great work!

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