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The Old Forest

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Avatar of Link058


Category: Maps
Created: Saturday June 16, 2012 - 3:24
Updated: Sunday January 20, 2013 - 22:04
Views: 9802
Summary: Three player skirmish map of the Old Forest


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4 votes

This is a three-player skirmish map in the heavily forested region of the Old Forest, a location that once was an extension of Fangorn Forest until Isengard began its deforestation. It is now a hostile area in Bree-land and is home to the ancient Old Man Willow along with the mysterious Tom Bombadil, the Master of the Forest.

Author's Comments: First off, I'd like to thank _Haldir_ for making his mapping tutorial. It was a valuable resource; look at it.

I wanted to make a forest map but I wasn't sure what, so I looked up some forests in Middle-earth and came across the Old Forest. It was similar to Fangorn so I actually found it somewhat easy to find the right textures for it. At the same time, I think I underestimated the size of it as it is one of the largest maps I've ever made, and was horrendously time consuming. I've been mapping for a while, and looking back at the quality of some of my earlier maps, I can honestly say, I'm pretty happy with this one.

I came across a small problem with balancing. In truth, the size of it really makes it a three player map but the layout made it difficult for me to decide where the player positions could be, so I want to explain my rationale. For three player maps, oftentimes it'll be a free-for-all or a 2vs1. The player farthest away is relatively safe, but the other two players have the home territory as most of the area is trees, and there is a sufficent enough space to separate the two closest players.

This map features Old Man Willow, a noticeably large tree that debuffs all units around it, and the ability for nearly all foot units to stealth, including heroes, which means there is a large .ini file, so I may include a regular version in the future. Enjoy!

1/20/13: I realize much to my embaressment that playing this map as it is would be ridiculous in a regular skirmish, though my intent was it to be a fun map. I'm not sure how many people are familiar with coding so to make things easier I've added a version with much less coding. In other words, you'll be able to play it like a regular skirmish map with no inhibitions etc. Any coding is purely for aethetics and not expected to affect gameplay.

Links / Downloads

The Old Forest (Skirmish version)3565January 20, 2013 - 22:04
The Old Forest2514June 16, 2012 - 3:24


Display order: Newest first

Buffo - Saturday July 21, 2012 - 10:54

Great object placement. The hobbit village is awesome, just as all of the water areas.
Texturing and terrain is also pretty good.

{IP}Solstice - Monday June 18, 2012 - 3:13

Look pretty good to me.

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