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Download for Battle for Middle-earth II BFME 2

Avatar of {IP}Solstice


Category: Maps
Created: Monday June 18, 2012 - 3:03
Updated: Monday June 18, 2012 - 3:10
Views: 6050
Summary: A map revolving around Hithlum.


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3 votes

Hello everyone, this is my map of Hithlum.

Hithlum was a large wooded, misty land northwest of Beleriand, it was bordered by Dor-Lomin, and Mithrim, and fenced in by the Ered Lmoin and Ered Wethrin. Fingolfin resided here during his later days in middle earth. Eventually, however it was taken over by morgoth and destroyed after the war of wrath, where it drowned along with most of beleriand.

Now the actual map is a 2 player map, with a Unique layout, enjoy!

p.s. (It's way better than the Lhun river map I made a while back)

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Hithlum map2530June 18, 2012 - 3:09



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_Haldir_ (Team Chamber Member) - Saturday June 23, 2012 - 14:31

Had a quick look and i definitely agree about the roads. It's more effort, but they'd look a lot more natural if they were shown through texturing, rather than road objects. Otherwise though, the map looks pretty good. Your texturing and object placement is certainly coming along very nicely, keep it up!

{IP}Solstice - Friday June 22, 2012 - 13:42

Thanks for the critiques (especially the roads, I was a bit overdoing it when I put those in), this was my 2nd map so I'd thought I see how it goes online.

Link058 - Tuesday June 19, 2012 - 2:04

I wasn't aware that IP was still active. But enough of old times.

I'll start off with some criticism. First off, the roads have been far too overused in this map and it takes away from the natural pathways that should be there. They make the terrain look unrealistic especially on the main roads. Also the mountains are too smooth or too abrupt in many places. They don't look natural either. Also the player 1 position doesn't allow sufficient space for the AI to build as they normally build their base around their fortress. The player 2 spot bothers me a little that there's only one way to reach it. I also feel that there are too many trees placed in an unusually orderly fashion, mainly on the road part. These are just minor things but the overuse of roads caught my eye the most.

Now for what I like. I liked the layout of it. It was creative and the textures were overall good. The environment, other than what I pointed out, felt natural and there was good implementation of the elven bridges.

So keep at it. It has much potential, and don't be afraid to look at what EA did with their maps. You don't need some of the tactical markers and you may export the scripts for Gollum.

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